Good day peeps, has anyone actually ever used the prearrival services? And what was the experience like? Any suggestions or recommendations to a particular service?
Hi guys, quick question.Anyone that had to send their ppassort using dhl.Did you have to give them an app number or uci or something of that sort. Was that required?
More good news for us this week had two applications waiting on both started processing on March 19th received prearrival for one thus far.I believe the other is right around the corner because app numbers are close. Hoping to get news on other this week and have ppr not too far from that. All...
Hi if you check the Kingston Jamaica forum and view post from like November you might be able to see how long it took for a few persons. May I ask your timeline please or when did Kingston start processing your file?
Is there anyone whose app started processing in March and is still awaiting a response or have received a response already?
What's your timeline like whether yes or no?