Lol Aww...I don't fit into the poor category since I love to travel so I save through out the year and then go on a lavish vacation but having a Pakistani husband makes it a bit difficult since he has to arrange for visas etc. Generally we are stuck between Asian countries and/or Dubai :S
I don't care what they say but I love to fly with PIA since I'm restrictive on time. So, I work Friday mornings and fly out in the evening but these flights are now $3,350/pax when if I fly out in Feb that would be the cost for a Business class round trip. Not worth if for 2 weeks in December so...
Thanks friend - Haven't seen bae since Aug 2017 and was planning to go see him in 2 weeks but the flights are insanely expensive right now!! $5900 for 2 passengers - Jeezzz!
Nah, I even got an email from the Immigration Minister's office who said that the application is still under review with security. If they wanted to escalate it, they had the power to. But said to wait it out. What else is new? :mad:
Yes, I had multiple times since then. My notes in September stated that the Security was under process with CBSA. The notes in December stated that the Security hasn't been started yet. Everything else was passed and completed.
No, nothing is on the top right corner on this page which shows Assessments, Security: Not started on page 2. Although I do see S16 on page 10 for Admissibility section.
It's so weird. My September notes said that Security was "in-process by CBSA". Now my December notes says that Security has not yet started and that the file is put away :eek:
Also what does info sharing means under Assessments on Page 2? Does anyone know?
I had ordered my notes in November and received them today. Dec 2015 applicant; BGC has been underway since June 2017.
Does anyone know under Assessments, what does info sharing stands for? And what value/entry should we see there?
Mashallah sadqay jawo on my Laanti Visa office!
Mashallah Mashallah our security hasn't even started yet! Wow! I mean I have no words of gratitude for being blessed to be married to my husband who lives in Pakistan. Maza aagaya!