I decided to fill it with "No". Already submitted my application on Oct, 11
I think the question is wrong & it should be specifying the period of eligibility period, I think. For example I have a nationality different than country of birth, since the country of birth never grant citizenship by...
You can't travel with NEXUS card only to US, I carry NEXUS card and travel frequently to US and my passport is always checked at American borders. In your way back to Canada, you won't need your passport to get back to Canada, even if you don't have NEXUS, only your PR card is requested.
I've just finished my call with CIC call centre. I've reported the print issue, they confirmed that they are aware of it and working on resolving it, but didn't give a timeline for the solution.
I'm confused with section 9 c)
During your eligibility period did you live outside of Canada
My eligibility period as per Calculator 2012-10-11 to 2017-10-11
I came to Canada on Jul-2013 as PR, so the period from Oct-2012 to Jul-2013 i was living in UAE & I should answer yes. If i answer YES...
I will have buffer of 364 days on Oct-11. I was supposed to get qualified on Oct-12 in the old rules :)
I've got the maximum damage from C-24 and C-6. Worst luck ever :) Not complaining
This is valid assumption, but CIC some times differentiate between applications processing times based on date of application, e.g. processing time for applications submitted before 1-April 2015 is 24 months and 12 months for applications submitted after 1-April 2015. If we apply your theory...
Very Similar to my case; will qualify under old rules on Oct-16th, I'll give 10 days as a buffer, then apply on Oct-26th. Have 80 days outside Canada, mainly for work.
My wife already qualified since early September, but she'll wait me, to have one family application with the kids.
Ready to...
Yes, 250,000 applicant in a very short period is a FLOOD, which will jam the whole system. C6 maybe activated before I qualify under C24, and i will be part of that FLOOD :)
BTW, I'm one of the c24 victims and soon will be one of the c6 victims :)
I will be applying for my citizenship in October (under the old rules). I'm bit worried about the flood of the applications when C6 is in place.
I'm currently holding a Nexus card and I wonder, if the card improves/expedites the processing of citizenship application, since security screening...
Under any rule stop living in Canada will lead to rejection of your citizenship application. Apply for the citizenship when you live here, or alternatively apply for Australian PR and apply for citizenship there , whenever you qualify for it