Thank you toby for the positive vibe, lets face it,
Expect the worst and hope for the best :)
Im noc b applicant cant apply again if i fail this one :(
I am sept 9 applicant And sept 12 already recieved mr, no additional request
Watsoever and im here in canada so you are not alone buddy we cannot do anything
But wait, the wait is killing me ugh :(
Hugh... Cant believe other people are doing such a destructive
Comments here, lets focus and help each other guys. Remember
We have the same goal here.
Stop the Malicious comments, or dont comment at all.
Kudos toby!
Chill 8)
Question for you harmandeep,
Did you sent the following together with
Your application?
1. Paylips
2. Work contract
3. T4
5. Workpermit
If not This might help strengthen your appeal to prove that you
Worked at subway as part-time when your still in school