Well its Weird to get your ecas to in PROCESS and get RPRF request then after 2hrs
Get MR at the same day.... Cic ripped me off $2000 rprf & mr....,,,$300
For bowp, going to saskatoon tom for MR,heres the catch im UNEMPLOYED whew!
Well not quite coz we have only one doctor that do the ME at this area can anyone can suggest
Wheres the best place to get ME. Edmonton or saskatoon will work for me
Question guys, i already paid my rprf for me and spouse and sent it
To the email address stated by the request do we need a response from them
Or the only response we get is the automated response?
now im thinking of the email that i got march 29, without subj and without sender, im suspecting that is the mr since ecas changed to in process march 28....
thinking.... thinking....