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  1. arowberry

    BOWP - How many of you have applied and received it successfully?

    As I said on your other post, you're after the 'Open Work Permit'. There is no 'Bridging Open Work Permit' option, because that would make sense and it's the CIC.
  2. arowberry

    Tips for a successful BOWP application

    There is no 'Bridging Open Work Permit' option, you need to select 'Open Work Permit'.
  3. arowberry

    Express Entry & Old CEC For PR

    Things are running slowly now as they always have. The gap between getting an AOR and receiving a medical request is traditionally the longest part of the process. When I applied (Q1 2014) the average processing time was 13 months, so that has apparently decreased. People have always been...
  4. arowberry

    Express Entry & Old CEC For PR

    A couple of suggestions for you: (i) Apply for your GCMS notes: Use them verify whether a particular element of your application is slowing things down. Here is a link with some useful information: http://cectoolkit.weebly.com/faqs/what-does-gcms-stand-for-how-do-i-apply (ii) Try to speed up...
  5. arowberry

    TV from Canada to India

    Can't imagine any traditional shopping company not being able to send it. Though sometimes the cost of shipping a large item negates the value of the item. Try the regulars such as UPS, Fedex and uBox. You could try a comparison site like uship.com
  6. arowberry

    Contact CIC

    That is the best the CIC tends to offer, unfortunately. You could present your question(s) here, someone may be able to advise from experience.
  7. arowberry


    The following threads may contain some useful information (at the very least, you'll find people better educated in CIC surveillance): http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/please-help-medical-surviellance-t231366.0.html...
  8. arowberry

    Should I drop CEC If i get picked in EE

    I'm not sure, but I would guess that you'd lose the original CEC application fee. In addition, you may need to get new police certificates and documents for EE. You would have to weigh those costs against potentially getting your PR sooner. You could choose to request your GCMS notes if you are...
  9. arowberry

    Should I drop CEC If i get picked in EE

    Consider adding some detail if you'd like useful responses. Without knowing when your CEC application was made (and how far along the process you are), I'm not sure how a recommendation can be made.
  10. arowberry


    I could be wrong, but I don't think surveillance will add any additional processing time to your application. I think you're under surveillance once you have become a PR and have 'landed' in Canada (for a given duration).
  11. arowberry

    Work experience while study

    It definitely doesn't count towards Canadian Experience Class (CEC), so I'd assume it doesn't count towards FSW. However, haven't found anything explicitly stating that it does not. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?q=377&t=6
  12. arowberry


    You won't be rejected for inactive TB, but they may put you under medical surveillance. You may find the following links to be useful: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/tools/medic/form/tb-factsheets.asp http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/tools/medic/surveillance/surveillance.asp...
  13. arowberry

    How can I extend my stay !

    You need a Bridging Open Work Permit. You need to complete the following questionnaire to get to the correct application package: http://www.cic.gc.ca/ctc-vac/cometocanada.asp There are countless posts on BOWP's already; you'd do well to have a read through some of them. This one contains...
  14. arowberry

    Children born outside Canada to a Canadian father

    Are your children Canadian? This depends on when the children were born and whether your husband got his citizenship before the children were born. See here for information: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?q=365&t=5 Proof of Citizenship: You can read all about the proof...
  15. arowberry

    PR Renewal Application - Counting Days outside

    You may find answers within this specific board: http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/permanent-residency-obligations-b11.0/
  16. arowberry

    Tips for a successful BOWP application

    The regular fee is C$155. The additional C$100 is a new fee that all Open Work Permit applicants have to pay as well. Therefore it's C$255 in total for a single applicant. Here is a CIC release introducing this wonderful new fee: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/2015-02-09.asp
  17. arowberry

    Tips for a successful BOWP application

    You are in the country on a work permit, therefore you are a worker.
  18. arowberry

    BOWP under Express Entry - Nothing to do with AOR - Canadian Bar Association

    It may be worth your time to read the following thread: http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/i-got-ita-under-fsw-have-questions-t269436.45.html Various people discuss being given an ITA for FSW, when CEC is better fit. From what I have read, getting the paperwork for...