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  1. D

    What Happens on the test day?

    EastRider my passeport was valid for the period of the 4 years and it is still valid. but it will expire in May 2014 and I will apply January 22, 2014. They will find stamps of the 2 travel I made during the 4 years. And after, I just don't need to renew it because I want to get the canadian...
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    January 2014 Citizenship Application - Timeline

    Hi everyone, Canadp or canmanottawa can you please tell me, if it is mandatory to have a valid passport while passing the test and interview? Or I can just take the passport covering the 4 years period even though it is expired. I don't want to renew or extend my passport because I don't need...
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    What Happens on the test day?

    Hi everyone, Eastrider can you please tell me, if it is mandatory to have a valid passport while passing the test and interview? Or I can just take the passport covering the 4 years period even though it is expired. I don't want to renew or extend my passport because I don't need it, I am not...
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    Can I visit my native country after I applied for citizenship in Canada

    I don't know if you read my post : "Maybe afer you become citizen and that the conditions change in your country but not now." Situation change is possible for a return but else I don't see any other option. It is too risky. you know that citizenship is revocable if it is proven that you lied to...
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    CBSA report

    Do I really have a choice to do not let them get the information from CBSA? If I check no for the CBSA case, I apprehend the agent will misunderstood my no. and If I check yes, it is a double check when sending the CBSA report. Before, there was no CBSA case in the application form but now you...
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    Use a law firm?

    Use a law firm is not the solution for you and as i see you are totally aware of the physical residency requirement. The only thing to do here is apply and do the go and back while asked. that is the best choice for you now.
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    Can I visit my native country after I applied for citizenship in Canada

    You are playing with fire my friend. It is clear if you do some research on the net. A refugee is someone who is seeking refuge because he is not able to live properly in his country or even unable to stay in his country. So if you go back to your home country, it means there is no harm there...
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    Finally a Canadian!

    It is very easy to assume that someone is drinking coffee. there is a proverb that says in my language : a prostitute woman call another woman prostitute before her reputation go out. Maybe you are the one who drink a lot of coffee CyberHawk. You know why Quebecers application take all this...
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    Applying at 1100 days, is it risky ???

    I will apply at 1100 days not because i want buffer days but i am a bit supertitious. I travelled 2 times and I know well my dates.
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    Who is the fastest?

    I think that citizenship judge were unfairly dispatched in Canada. there are more than 12 judges in GTA and Mississauga. When there are 5 judges for the Quebec province including Montreal an immigration hub and Quebec city also.
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    After sending application what next ?

    Cross your finger and be patient and optimistic.
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    if you were on vacation, no matter if you were paid or not. just put one line.
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    Unique Situation

    I think if you put the last 5 years information would be clear. since they will find their 4 years asked in it.
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    CBSA report

    I asked CBSA report under the access to information and I got it within 4-5 weeks. No Fee charged. I have it with me and i would like to enclose to my applications but I think that they will double check. So i was wondering if it is useful to include since they added to CIC process and put a...
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    I Love Canada

    How someone could not love Canada when he is living in it. There is some bitter sweet memories but these moments exist everywhere in the world. Great Country with good values of freedom. I love it too. that is why i moved her with my family. I didn't come her just to benefit from the goods but...
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    What happens when you go to do the test?

    I don't know why they asking people what they do at that time. Because physical presence is filled. Maybe they check if the applicant live in canada or already moved abroad. But is there any law forbiding to get citizenship because the applicant moved outsided of canada? when he already filled...
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    what would you do if you were in my situation.

    If you have other ways to proof your physical presence such as work paper, bank statement, phone bills,etc. Don't waste your time waiting. Apply for your citizenship and best luck.
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    Applying for citizenship from outside canada?

    the first requirement for citizenship is : you lived 1095 days for the last 4 years. which means you have to proof that you lived here in canada 1095 days between jan 2010 and jan 2014. if it is less than 1095 days your physical presence than forget about applying the citizenship. if yes then...
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    Citizenship Application - Question

    I think option 1 is the best for this situation. you don't have to split days within a single month (october). just say you stayed at location 1 in october. my opinion.
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    Minor Application

    I think you are right but they don't have to stay abroad for more than 6 months. and you will be asked their school history for the last 4 years in canada. check the instructions guide for the minor application for citizenship for more details. thanks