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  1. messenger


    Dont despair! There were times when Ontario had it good. I left in 1990 to return to Greece. from 1987 to 1990 I had a 243 sq meters house that I was paying 900 per month for mortgage payments. Plus 100 more for home insurance and land taxes. At that time i was bringing home 4000 per month and...
  2. messenger


    Hey Milan This scene is typical in the Balkans my friend. Unfortunately people from our part of the world still have a long way to go in manners and behaviour! Tom
  3. messenger


    No I cant. Although I had a Ontario licence of all categories (A,B,C,D,E,F,G) during my stay in Canada, it expired since I have been away from Canada for over 24 years. Greek licences cannot be exchanged with any province. The only European countries that have an exchange agreement with Canada...
  4. messenger


    Hi Milan Last year I inquired to the insurance providers board (or association) and they told me the following. Because my driver's license comes from a country with a non reciprocal agreement (means i cannot exchange it for an Alberta licence) i still have to go through a written and a...
  5. messenger


    V, come on..I thought you're a brave woman. Dont give up. You know as well as me that DM is positive. If you would've had issues they would've called you for an interview long ago... Stop worrying and start making plans for your flag polling! Tom
  6. messenger


    Hi V. Unfortunately Greek restaurants in Canada although they make a very big effort to offer tasty and great food, they are not too updated into the modern Greek cooking because of the distance. Restaurants in Germany of course they have different type of dishes because of their proximity to...
  7. messenger

    ##### Applicants VO Vienna please join #####

    Hi. So sorry to hear about your refusal. Was it a refusal on your migration or your visitor visa? Tom
  8. messenger


    Aaaaaaaahahahahaha Roast pig..Spaska was right when she told me that Serbians are masters in roast pigs...yam yam...sljivovica mmmmmgoood... I wish I had some now! hehehehe
  9. messenger


    Roasting a lamb is an Easter Sunday tradition for us Greeks.. Poor little lambs. Funny thing is last week coming back from Sofia Bulgaria I saw two huge Tractor trailers full with little lambs ready to cross over for slaughter! I wish we never had this tradition to be honest but in the other...
  10. messenger

    ##### Applicants VO Vienna please join #####

    Hiya friends Over on the other side of the fence in Family thread we are getting busier by the day with Vienna. Few of our guys got PPR's last week, Some took DM and me I got my status changed to In Process thank God. Hope that it's starts rolling 4u2 guys Regards Tom
  11. messenger


    Really looking forward to this Milan... Especially for people like us with nobody there it will be nice to see a friendly face and be able to share some friendship.. Tom
  12. messenger


    Milan moj Prjatel :) Here in Greece we have a saying that goes like this! "We ate the donkey now only the tail remains " aaahahahaha You cant just give up now..You came to the spring you must kneel down and get a sip of fresh water I know and understand how heavy these months were on you and...
  13. messenger


    Good to hear that you and your family have made it over to BC. I am wishing you all the best for a new life and happiness! Tom and family
  14. messenger


    Hi Milan and all After checking my e-Cas daily for the past 13 months and only seeing the Applications Received in Feb 2013 and Medicals Received, today Monday 21st of April one day after Easter I was sitting here bored to my bones and said to my self : Ok lets do the routine again and get...
  15. messenger


    Hiya Vanessa London yes but don't forget Paris. All applicants from my February 2013 from Paris were expedited in less than 4 months... Wham Bam And Rome is shooting off its applicants in 6-8 months max.. Tom
  16. messenger


    Dear Milan, Happy Easter I know how you feel my friend. Our medical has also expired in January and I was puzzled that they only requested the PC and some other docs and not the medical... Like you now, I wonder if any day now instead of PPR we should receive another medical request so to set...
  17. messenger


    Dear Adi777 Congratulations...May you have a great start in your new life ! Very happy for you! Tom
  18. messenger


    Hello BumpAhead Congratulations...Your news are a blessing to you and happiness for us to see that Vienna is moving! All the best Tom and family
  19. messenger


    Dear Gorana hi Congratulationssssssssssss These are definitely great news for you and the lot of us here waiting. If you remember last month on a PM I sent you I said: On the other hand though, I am sure that we are at the end of the road and by early next month we shall be getting positive...
  20. messenger


    Ηι there jarajovi . I believe you are new to this thread so I like to welcome you and inform you that we invite you to the "Checkmorethanoncetheecasandalwaysgetsnothing" club of Vienna applicants Sorry friend just a little humor! Truth is of course that most of us here are exactly the same as...