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  1. messenger


    Hey Newpal, i was happy to get your news personaly earlier but i like to wish you here in our forum.. May all your wishes and dreams become reality very soon Tom
  2. messenger

    ##### Applicants VO Vienna please join #####

    Congratulations my friend...About time....I aqm very happy for you...Get these over and done quickly so soo you can be in Canada Tom
  3. messenger


    There you go :) vienn-visa@international.gc.ca VIENNIMMIGRATION@international.gc.ca re-vienn.immigration@international.gc.ca
  4. messenger


    Hello to all our Vienna thread sisters and brothers! It wont be long before one by one we will start disappearing from the forum not because we won't want to but mostly because of our obligations and busy lives in Canada. During my time spent here I have made good friends (You all know who you...
  5. messenger


    Hi dear and welcome back to our company.. You are right by mentioning that Vienna communicates in 3 different emails so people here can take notice. Better is to create filters on your emailer in order to avoid issue like these. I am so sorry for this waste of your time, I suppose you would...
  6. messenger

    February 2013 OUTLAND (only) applications!! Here is your thread!!

    Dear Rose. I am very happy for you that you landed hassle free and are now reunited with your husband.. You are definitely right in saying that I can now sleep at nights without worries..Finally! How long after landing are you eligible for Alberta health insurance? From I known Alberta is the...
  7. messenger


    Very very valuable info you gave me here Milan..I have been away from Job hunting in Canada for over 24 years. (Last job I had was with Brinks Canada in Toronto and Yes I actually walked in the place and asked to speak to the HR manage and was give an application. 3 weeks late I started...
  8. messenger

    February 2013 OUTLAND (only) applications!! Here is your thread!!

    @Zardoz Dear Zardoz its being a long time since we last talked. (Remember last time we did was when we discussed the originin of your user name( ZARDOZ movie Sean Connery, Charlotte Rambling hehehehe) Yep finally I am in the ranks of those who can sleep easy at nights :) Where are you in Canada...
  9. messenger


    OK ok! I hope we don't have minors here? aaaaahahahahahahaha...
  10. messenger


    Your's is just around the corner..This morning long before I came to my office and opened my PC I thought of you...I know in my heart something is definitely coming your way..Just keep your breath! Tom
  11. messenger


    Oh noooooo! Thank you Milan...Just keep the Šljivovica cool! To be honest as the days are nearing I am more and more becoming scared and nervous as to the prospects in Calgary... Deep inside I know that I will be ok but I cant help this feeling! Thank you for everything amigo! Tom
  12. messenger


    Ok...I was hoping for a King Size and breakfast served in bed and someone to open the blinds and stroke my hair in the morning.....aaaaahahahahahahahahaha Thanking you from the bottom of my heard Μικρο Μηλο (Little Apple) :) I will be honored to take your offer, but I still have to look upon all...
  13. messenger


    All our best wishes for a new start of your life our dear friend... May God have you blessed ! Tom and family!
  14. messenger


    Hi all my friends.. Can someone, anyone write a small report here or in a PM to me about some things regarding life there? 1. Rental apartments in Calgary have appliances and other utilities included with rent? Would I be able to find a one or two bedroom apartment in the range of 800 to 1000...
  15. messenger


    Ljiljana thank you my dear. I too believe that some times opinions are exaggerated. An area can have a general bad review but as the saying goes: If you don't get mixed up with chicken feed the chicken won't eat you... I happened to live in Scarboro Ontario for a number of years, at a time when...
  16. messenger


    @ Little_apple, Thank you Vanessa.Very informative!I still do not have a clue where to go as I am coming in clueless and jobless :) @Milan. I will rent a car only for the week I stay in Ontario. I will fly to Calgary with a domestic airline...When I get there I will depend on the bus and...
  17. messenger


    Seriously now Milan? Which part of the city should I look for in the beginning..I mean at the time where I would be alone renting a room for a couple months before wife's and baby arrival...I need to be in an area that I don't have to walk miles to get to a bus, and where I won't be mugged in...
  18. messenger

    ##### Applicants VO Vienna please join #####

    Greetings amigo. Your words above came true.. We received PPR a couple of days ago and just this morning we sent my wife's passport to Vienna... I wish you personally and all our friends in this thread a quick and fast process Tom
  19. messenger


    Just have faith in God and everything shall be ok. You are due in October I guess one year after our baby came...This is so nice..Spaska is sending you her love tom
  20. messenger

    February 2013 OUTLAND (only) applications!! Here is your thread!!

    Hello to all my February 2013 co-fighters! I like to share with you that yesterday Wednesday 7th 2014 my wife received PPR. We are sending it in tomorrow (Friday) morning For those of you still waiting please do not lose hope Tom and family!