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  1. M

    Status of Bill C-24 billed Feb 6/2014

    That's just the media and lawyers with a vested interest in this bill not passing. Last time I checked, the media and lawyer groups can't pass legislation. That would be the job of the Parliament, and for all my scouring of the internet, I still haven't seen any evidence that the members of...
  2. M

    Intend to Reside/stay EVEN after getting citizenship

    Again, we're talking about the Minister's powers here, not about whether he's actually going to use those powers in practice. I was addressing your comment that there is nothing the government can do after you get citizenship and leave. Well no, not exactly. If this bill passes, there is quite a...
  3. M

    Status of Bill C-24 billed Feb 6/2014

    What makes you think this is all out of jealousy? I'm just sick and tired of reading twenty posts of "good job" and "thank you so much" when in reality I come here for new information on the bill's progress.
  4. M

    Intend to Reside/stay EVEN after getting citizenship

    Is that so?? How about initiating revocation proceedings on grounds of fraud? Of course, you'll have the right to challenge the Minister's move in court, but he can claim misrepresentation of intent to reside in Canada when you applied, and citing your departure from Canada as evidence of it...
  5. M

    Intend to Reside/stay EVEN after getting citizenship

    Still haven't answered my question: would you die in war for Queen Elizabeth? It's a fair question. You're swearing loyalty to her. The Queen and Canada are interchangeable? That's your opinion. Queen Elizabeth is the Queen of England. She is a Canadian citizen just by decree of the Government...
  6. M

    Sign petition: Citizenship Act Bill C-24 discrimination

    And a government job can be much more stable than a private sector job. Thank you for bringing this up. I thought about bringing it up myself but decided against it because nobody really listens in here. They're thick as planks of wood.
  7. M

    Intend to Reside/stay EVEN after getting citizenship

    Aww c'mon buddy, get real! "BIGHTEST AND BEST" is a worn-out cliche nowadays. This country (and many others), admits the people who can't get into the US and thus don't have a choice. You can't be so naive as to take official media hype at face value. This is nothing unique to immigration...
  8. M

    Intend to Reside/stay EVEN after getting citizenship

    Umm, no it's not. Know what you're talking about. In the case of intent to stay in the country, the government can revoke your citizenship later on if it can prove you misrepresented your intent when you applied. They'll claim this is covered under fraud. As for your oath to the Queen, I...
  9. M

    Status of Bill C-24 billed Feb 6/2014

    How many "good job!"s and "Thank you so much"s does one have to receive for just providing a link to the official parliament website describing the progress of a bill? If you're reading this post and one person has already thanked the source, then that should be enough. I think he or she gets...
  10. M

    Sign petition: Citizenship Act Bill C-24 discrimination

    I'm not disagreeing with this. In fact, I already said that I've witnessed this myself. I've stood in line at secondary inspection behind Canadian citizens who were getting grilled by CBSA officers about the details of their trip, in spite of them presenting Canadian passports. This is where I...
  11. M

    Sign petition: Citizenship Act Bill C-24 discrimination

    In all due respect, the reference you quoted in support of this claim is NOT an official source (i.e. government source or specific law/regulation). I very much doubt there's a major difference in practice between how US PR's get treated at the US border vs. how Canadian PR's get treated at the...
  12. M

    Sign petition: Citizenship Act Bill C-24 discrimination

    Again, I've already addressed this and shouldn't have to repeat myself. It all depends on your personal preferences, and those vary from person to person. If you're keen on keeping your old citizenship, then yes it would make sense to not want to be a Canadian citizen. Others, like myself...
  13. M

    Sign petition: Citizenship Act Bill C-24 discrimination

    Right. It is a condition for their spouse to receive PR status. It is not a condition for them to keep their own citizenship. The government isn't saying "we're gonna come after you and revoke your citizenship for misrepresentation of this intent. You just don't get to sponsor your spouse for...
  14. M

    Sign petition: Citizenship Act Bill C-24 discrimination

    I don't think so. There are precedents where PR's must demonstrate intent, but not citizens. I'd like to see a requirement that citizens demonstrate intent to reside in Canada as a condition for their retention of citizenship, which has not been successfully challenged in court as a violation of...
  15. M

    Sign petition: Citizenship Act Bill C-24 discrimination

    I have read the bill and the part of it about "intent" to reside in Canada goes against the Charter and will not pass.The Charter says a citizen has the right to enter, remain, and LEAVE Canada. Anybody can make an argument that it would create two classes of citizens and this would violate the...
  16. M

    Sign petition: Citizenship Act Bill C-24 discrimination

    They HAVE TO be arguing just for the sake of the argument. Otherwise their arguments make no sense whatsoever. This is my last post about this subject and I'm gonna take a more selfish approach. Some people ask what's the big deal if you have to wait longer to get citizenship? Let me just...
  17. M

    Sign petition: Citizenship Act Bill C-24 discrimination

    I wasn't asking for your sympathy. Nor do I care for it. I wasn't asking that the government change their stance for my personal convenience. That's something you made up. I was giving a list of things that I am not able to do without citizenship. It's true that you cannot apply for a position...
  18. M

    Sign petition: Citizenship Act Bill C-24 discrimination

    This is an understatement. It's not just 'much harder' to immigrate to the US. It's actually not possible to do it on your own. You just don't have any option to petition for permanent residence all by yourself. You need to be sponsored by either an immediate relative or an employer who has to...
  19. M

    New Citizenship Bill Thursday Feb 6th

    You can speak your mind but stay on topic. Don't veer off into a discussion about who's a native Canadian when we're discussing the viability of exit controls (ironically, you ask who are the native Canadians after stating that you personally know native Canadians). You damn well know who I'm...
  20. M

    New Citizenship Bill Thursday Feb 6th

    You can lecture about this all you want but the truth remains that the only people who would benefit from exit controls at ports of entry are people like you who are applying for citizenship and want to have an easier time of it. That's why your proposal sounds absurd to the native-born...