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  1. M

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    And, in all due respect, I think you don't really know what you're talking about. I'm not 'minorizing' the value of new citizens (if such a word does indeed exist). I'm putting it in its proper context. Once you are a citizen, it does not matter how you became one. New citizens will vote no...
  2. M

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    Where are you getting the 6-8 months processing time reference under the new law? That's not what the government claims. The Minister says processing times will be at most one year. And I have serious doubts about whether the CIC will live up to the Minister's promise. For one thing, former...
  3. M

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    What a bunch of self-delusion. I'm going put it plain and simple: immigrants are non-citizens and hence a non-voting block, i.e. without any voice in this government whatsoever. As such, they have no standing to demand anything. End of discussion. It is merely a delusion to think that a...
  4. M

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    The number of plaintiffs has nothing to do with the outcome of a court case. It's the strength of the arguments you present before the court (and whether the court buys your arguments). Filing a court case with no real arguments is like trying to start a car with no gasoline in its tank.
  5. M

    New Citizenship Bill Thursday Feb 6th

    May I ask why you don't see the bill passing the Senate before the summer recess? I have to ask because if it only takes two months for it to pass the House, why wouldn't three months be enough time for it to pass the Senate? It is the same steps, and this is a Conservatives' bill and they do...
  6. M

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    And you know this how exactly? The committees, just like the House itself are controlled by the Conservatives, who have a majority in it and are the ones proposing the bill. If there are bills that can go from introduction to passage in as little as three days, what makes you think they can't...
  7. M

    Intend to Reside/stay EVEN after getting citizenship

    Oh no, sir. Don't flatter yourself. You're not schooling me on constitutional law or history because (A) Judging by what you say, you are far from an expert on either subject; and (B) I'm not believing a word of yours. There is very little in your posts that's factual information. You're...
  8. M

    Intend to Reside/stay EVEN after getting citizenship

    Sorry but you're not convincing me the queen is Canadian. The facts are clear: she was not born in Canada, was never naturalized as a Canadian citizen in accordance with Canadian law, has never lived a day of her life in Canada, and has no ties whatsoever to Canada. I don't care what the...
  9. M

    Intend to Reside/stay EVEN after getting citizenship

    I'm glad we got one thing straight: we're just a realm of the UK.
  10. M

    Intend to Reside/stay EVEN after getting citizenship

    It's not about what I like or dislike. You still haven't shown me what makes her the queen of Canada other than the government of Canada saying so. You might as well go ahead and say the rock in my back yard is our head of state. I would feel much better if at least we had a queen that was our...
  11. M

    What (some) birth Canadians think about immigrants

    The 'intent-to-reside-in-Canada' clause should be called what it is: the 'promise-that-you-won't-leave-canada-for-better-opportunities-in-the-US' clause. It's an absurd clause because it won't stop anyone from leaving for better careers elsewhere. What the Conservatives want is loyalty for...
  12. M

    What (some) birth Canadians think about immigrants

    I don't think it makes sense to draw parallels with the US here. There is no comparison whatsoever. It's apples and oranges. Even if there were a parallel situation in Canada of an illegal immigration problem, there wouldn't be 12-14 million illegals. Instead, proportional to Canada's population...
  13. M

    New Citizenship Bill Thursday Feb 6th

    Military draft won't be popular. The mere fact that other countries have it doesn't make it the best policy. What you'll get is people moving overseas to avoid it, much like they left the US and went to Canada in the late 1960s. Also, I wanted to clarify this huge misconception that a Canadian...
  14. M

    Intend to Reside/stay EVEN after getting citizenship

    I'm not so sure that the UK was necessarily protecting Canada. There was no Canada in the 1700s and the first half of the 1800s so in the War of 1812 the UK was protecting its own empire. That was not a war between Canada and the US. It was a war between the forces of the British Empire and the...
  15. M

    Intend to Reside/stay EVEN after getting citizenship

    Insult is what people usually resort to in order to protect their ego when they have no real argument. He has no argument. The queen of England was never coronized as the the queen of Canada. To be technical, there is no Canadian throne. No such thing exists, never has. The fact that the...
  16. M

    Intend to Reside/stay EVEN after getting citizenship

    I don't think you want to bet your rootie patooties that you'll do better than me in a contest of Canadian politics and history. There is no Canadian independence day, because there is no Canadian independence. You at least got THAT right about Canada, if nothing else. Laws of Canada require...
  17. M

    Sign petition: Citizenship Act Bill C-24 discrimination

    Lesser known because most immigrants don't ever think about obtaining jobs with the federal government. Quite frankly from my personal observations, I would dare say the reason most immigrants want citizenship is so they can go to their home countries and brag to friends and family about their...
  18. M

    Intend to Reside/stay EVEN after getting citizenship

    That's funny. That is Really funny!! LOL It's actually hilarious :P Yea, you belong in Canada dear.
  19. M

    Intend to Reside/stay EVEN after getting citizenship

    It almost sounds like an oath to become a British citizen. Other than a couple of appearances of the word Canada, all references of loyalty are to the queen of England. And this for a country that claims to be independent. What a joke! Don't anyone dare start delving into how canada is linked...
  20. M

    Intend to Reside/stay EVEN after getting citizenship

    Oh I think it's very fair to do that. Prospective immigrants should know what they're getting themselves into before they spend a fortune and uproot themselves to move to Canada. They should be aware that the citizenship they'll be applying for after the required residence period comes with...