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  1. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    I have already applied for three sets of notes and received two. Those two sets were identical. I am waiting for the third one by the 24th of this month. Still sure nothing would have changed, since I had an agent a couple of days ago, and my application was still with eligibility recommended...
  2. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    I have contacted the Contact Center several times, but for Agents, all is fine. Unfortunately, nothing is advancing
  3. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    After crossing the 6 months, with an application recommended pass but untouched since April 11, I contacted CIC by raising a webfom, and this is the generic reply receive. Has anybody in the same situation received a different melody from CIC? "Good day XXXXX, Thank you for contacting...
  4. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

  5. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

  6. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    I completed my 200 days today, still comfortably seated in IP1. Any updates on your ends?
  7. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    This does not seem true in all cases. My application is recommended pass since April 11, and since then has never been touched again. I have never received any ADR, and from the two notes I received there is not issue with my application. So, I cannot even figure out with is delaying, why has...
  8. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    For me, these seem to be empty talks from Call Center Agents. In my case for example, I have Eligibility recommended pass since April 11, and there are not concerns mentioned in my application (As per the two set of GCMS notes I have so far received). Every time I call, the Agent always tell me...
  9. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    I think their website should be crashing too much these last days because of the overloading of untreated applications...
  10. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    So ti is a general issue! Their system should already be overloaded with our untreated applications. This is already the third time it is crashing this week.
  11. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    Please I am not able to verify the status of my application online. I can access the page pretty well, but when I click on the link to view my application, I receive a bad gateway error message. Is anybody else facing the same issue?
  12. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    I got my ITA earlier (December 20), but could submit only on March 2, as I had to collect PCC from two tree countries, and had to rely on other people to collect them in two. Nevertheless the thing that is really weird for most march applications, is that they had recommended pass and ready to...
  13. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    Let's hope so. But already this week, according to some sources, they issued a good number of PPR to April, May and June applicants.
  14. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    Sorry, I understoond LVO as Local Visa Office and not just as London Visa Office. I think it is a good idea to send a CSE to see what is happening, with the hope that they reply. I have so far sent a couple of them to Ottawa, including after crossing the six months, and they have never replied.
  15. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    and your LVO, did they tell you which one? Because you can then contact the LVO for further clarifications
  16. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    Was it the first time you called concerning your application? Mine is still in Ottawa, and I applied from Portugal. Where did you apply from? I am also still in IP 1
  17. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    Was your file transferred to LVO from Ottawa?
  18. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    Since I crossed the six months on September 2, I have called a couple of times and agents keep on telling me the same stories such as "six months is just an average. all is fine with your file, if there is any need of further information your will receive an ADR..." So clearly, for them all is...
  19. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    Still recommended pass and ready to finalyze since April 11. Security and criminality not started. I called and and agent gave me that feedback yesterday
  20. C

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    The worst is that I called yesterday and was informed that everything is ok with my file and, even though it has crossed the 6 months, there is nothing that can be done. We just have to wait silently