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  1. chrischris

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Two PPRs at once - London are rolling again! Well done guys, let's keep 'em coming....
  2. chrischris

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    That's well spotted Eswiz, although I'm struggling to think why a new head honcho at the top would result in the plebs at the bottom of the organisation working on application processing suddenly stopping work. Ironically, the new Commissioner was the premier of BC during the time I lived...
  3. chrischris

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    *sigh* it really seems the wheels have fallen off at the London VO. Maybe today I'll get my request for a fee I've already paid, or maybe I'll just get another month of silence and waiting. Presumably though if they're asking for the RPR fee, then it means they've decided the application in...
  4. chrischris

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    HSBalouch - was it only after the intervention by your MP that the error with the email address was revealed? I think just about everyone on here including me is paranoid that some fat-fingered so-and-so at the VO has sent the PPR to the wrong email address! Unless it bounced back at them (not...
  5. chrischris

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I'm doing the same thing - paranoid it will end up in the junk mail. Also paranoid that they type the email address wrong (easy to do) and it goes to someone else. Tick, tick, tick......
  6. chrischris

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Hi Mandy, no there shouldn't be anything that will excite them, with the possible exception of me having lived in Canada nine years ago under a working holiday visa. But that should hardly be a situation that they're not quite familiar with! There were no irregularities with my visa and I...
  7. chrischris

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    May and waiting. It's getting tiresome now, particularly as the people who submitted just days before me got their PPRs about a month ago. Ecas changed to "in process" along with medical results ten days ago, but ecas is so hit-and-miss that doesn't seem to mean a great deal.
  8. chrischris

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    ecas status changed on Friday to "in process". Hope this means ppr is imminent - we had a big rush of pprs until I was the "next" one on pinklady's spreadsheet. And then of course it went silent. Frustrating waiting, and every day there's nervous excitement when I get home from work and see...
  9. chrischris

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Yep - me too - I now have two lines just like yours.
  10. chrischris

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Well done Darque, splendid stuff - we're marching forward nicely. Be nice to fill in a few of the gaps from Feb and March this week and then push onwards further into May next week! I'm starting to get tired of my colleagues always asking "so when are you going?" and not being able to give a...
  11. chrischris

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    No, you don't need to demonstrate minimum financial requirements like you do with other classess of application. We did however submit screenshots of our savings and investment accounts and also my application to join my equivalent professional insitute in Canada, plus a formal assessment...
  12. chrischris

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Hi Anna - 1) my wife was working here since 2006, so she just submitted a copy of her latest P60 from April 2011, plus a short letter from her Employer stating that she'd been employed full time by them since 2006 and a signed declaration from her that she hadn't filed a Canadian tax return for...
  13. chrischris

    sponsor moving back to canada - who do we tell?

    Hi Charlie, yes that is exactly the case. I did think however that the evidence of plans to relocate was scrutinised at the sponsor approval stage rather than my residency application stage? She has already been approved as sponsor. As it is, we can include a copy of the employment contract...
  14. chrischris

    May 2011

    Well done Dair, we hoped they'd fast-track it for you and they have :) You just need ecas to update in a couple of weeks to say Rabat has received it and you'll be right back at the same stage as all the rest of us (except perhaps those lucky people applying to New Delhi who'll probably have...
  15. chrischris

    sponsor moving back to canada - who do we tell?

    Hi all, quick question, my wife and sponsor is moving back to canada in a few days to take up a new job (we applied outland). The London VO has received my application, but to date has not started processing and I therefore don't have a file reference number from them. As the sponsor is...
  16. chrischris

    May 2011

    Small update here - I got my RCMP police certificate through in the mail, exactly 2 weeks after getting in done in person in Vancouver. It was painless, cheap and efficient and if CIC now ask for it, I've got it ready to go. And if they don't - well it was only $56. Checked ECAS this morning...
  17. chrischris

    May 2011

    Just looked on the April thread - two separate people applying to the New Delhi office have received their ppr.
  18. chrischris

    May 2011

    Hi all. Back from Canada now. I got my fingerprints taken and RCMP application made at the Commissionaires' office. The guy told me that he thinks (at least for citizenship applications) that people are randomly chosen by a computer for RCMP certificate requests, so it could happen to any one...
  19. chrischris

    May 2011

    Evening all - and it really is a beautiful evening here in Vancouver with a golden sunset! Just checked my emails for the first time since leaving the UK on thursday and had an ecas update saying "medical results received". I logged in to ecas just now and it said that the London VO received...
  20. chrischris

    May 2011

    Still nothing more for me since sponsor approval. People's notifications of receipt do however seem to be issued at least a week after the VO has actually received it. Off to Canada tomorrow for a family wedding - does anyone know if the border control will be able to see that I have an...