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  1. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    Hmmm, we could certainly do that! Emailing Ottawa is like ordering GCMS notes though, they take ever so long to respond :( If we send a mail on Monday for instance, they would reply by mid-Feb or so...no harm done in coordinating our effort so we get them to sit up and take notice of our...
  2. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    Seriously! The Security-Not-Started cocktail is bitter sweet - bitter because of the delay, sweet because at least we are less likely to be in SS if notes mention that Security hasn’t started in the first place :p But yeah, feel like shouting out to CIC to get a move on with our applications -...
  3. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    I’m in the exact same place my friend - Criminality passed on 26Oct18 and NO movement since. As @Prashant86_2000 , @B. B. , @mathansri , @richa1987 , @lavanya31 and countless others would say - welcome to the ark ;) We’re all sitting at Eligibility MET and Criminality PASSED with no movement in...
  4. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    Makes sense! Team Ottawa take an awful lot of time to reply though - my first mail sent on 19th Dec finally elicited a reply from them on 5th Jan - and the second one sent on 7th Jan still hasn’t been attended to :oops:
  5. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    Triple attack : Raising CSEs, ordering GCMS, calling CIC : basically making them work so hard around the file if they’re not working on the file that they give up and say ‘Approve it before they email/call/request notes for the nth time. For God’s sakes, just go ahead and issue their damn PPR!’...
  6. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    Yay! So glad you got a good agent to speak with on your first successful attempt :) It’s heartbreaking when you have to hold for ages and an agent lands up at the other end who seems to be having a bad hair day :rolleyes: But yeah, security status is such a tough nut to crack! Don’t know why...
  7. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    Hehehe...my feelings exactly :p:D
  8. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    Let’s keep rooting for our ark to move closer to shore soon!!! Fingers crossed we all cross that last mile together :)
  9. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    Hey! You’re right @mathansri :) I ordered my notes through GetGCMS on 26Nov18 and received them on 27Dec18. Course, nothing new except Criminality passed since the last set of notes. Eligibility still at met and security not started summed up my woes...
  10. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    True that! We are working in the dark where CIC is concerned - and GCMS notes are sometimes more a contributor to the mystery than an elucidation of our status :( I don’t mind my file being moved to CIO, as long as it means SOMEONE will look at it at long last! The myth of Ottawa being the...
  11. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    Hmmm...so my file continues to be an orphan! As per @cansha enquiry and explanation in an earlier post, it does appear that no officer allocated to my file yet. His GCMS notes mentioned someone with an ‘SS04410’ code attending to his file for final approval. And an (analyst?) RC-2710 attending...
  12. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    Awww! My fav movie :cool:
  13. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    You give me hope @macaly7! Now that your PPR is here, I’m gonna take it as proof that 9515 does work from time to time ;) But yeah, he/she certainly is a slow and steady kinda worker!!!
  14. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    Give me a shout out when your file moves buddy...cuz it will likely mean mine will too ;)
  15. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    That definitely looks like the case! Thanks for letting me pick your brain for my benefit :) It’s a pain to keep going through the notes with a fine tooth comb hoping they’ll yield a clue :rolleyes: As of now (and since my prior set of notes on 26/09/18) my application assignment continues to...
  16. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    Hehehe...see you soon on the other side of the rainbow (bridge) bro ;) But yeah, we seem to be in the ark together till it comes to shore :D
  17. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    Hmmm...my notes generated on 27Nov18 still state my Primary Office as CPC-Ottawa and Secondary Office as CIO. Dunno what to think anymore though...
  18. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    A new one to add to the list: Annabelle! Read full copy paste template below ;) Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). We verified the information provided and can confirm that your application is still in process. While the processing times may vary...
  19. N

    WES ECA status on Hold

    Glad to help :) Btw, the name is @Nishika22 in case you wish to give a shout out to me! Else, I wouldn’t get a notification in my forum alerts...
  20. N

    June 2018 AOR - join here

    In my case, Eligibility test is done by EAIEAPP (and left at MET) while initial assignment to Ottawa code is done by LJ9131. @richa1987 : Yes, the code LJ9131 appears at various places in Outgoing Correspondence (Application transferred, FQR message, Application kits, Educational diplomas...