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  1. P

    citizenship by convenience

    The fact that Canadian born were contributed all their lives here is not an excuse if they are out of Canada. Why Canadian should pay their medical care when they might not be residents in Canada at that time. They are typical CoC and should be banned from using Canadian benefits.
  2. P

    citizenship by convenience

    What is the reason to call me rasist, I guess the facts which I showed that the dominant part is from South Asia made me under your understanding such??? I don't see anything wrong to show some official data about the recent newcomers and their source countries. What is the problem with that...
  3. P

    citizenship by convenience

    Perfect so if a person like you have spend little time in a country (like yourself one year) then it is impossible that person to be considered CoC.
  4. P

    citizenship by convenience

    You can use the his mindset too when you leave Canada by saying I didn't get any benefits from Canada and therefore I am not CoC of Canada. This is I guess his logic. I guess he is the only one who didn't use the roads, medical care, public services ... and so on in Pakistan. What a mysterious...
  5. P

    citizenship by convenience

    The direction of Canada by bringing more and more burden here while the good meaningful jobs are extremely difficult to get is not so bright. If I had a good job I would be so angry to pay from my taxes the bills to people working at the low end. Look at already the huge debt of Canada, guess...
  6. P

    citizenship by convenience

    By saying South Asians I meant literally Asia Divided my line in the middle on North and South, basically the dominant cluster is from the south side ;) torontosm is clarifying that South has different parts of South, which practically is the same South Asia if per my example we divide Asia by...
  7. P

    citizenship by convenience

    Isn't is interesting that the top share of immigrants per country is distributed to a very narrow geographical Asian region ;) Hence cheap labour without worrying to much that they will complain for working at the low end.
  8. P

    citizenship by convenience

    US has ~24% of the global GDP, this is why is considered as the dominant economy in the world. Same thing applies for the South Asians, they represent the dominant portion of newcomers. Look who is doing the low end jobs here. Look at the portion only from China India Philippines Pakistan...
  9. P

    citizenship by convenience

    I was referring about the Newcomers , read my previous post again for reference. Here are some interesting numbers about the dominant South Asian presence in the resent years. The dominant region is exactly South Asia, we all can see that when we live here especially by looking who are the...
  10. P

    citizenship by convenience

    I think that soon we need to learn better Mandarin or another South Asian language.
  11. P

    citizenship by convenience

    This is definitely NOT surprising. The dominant portion of newcomers immigrants in Canada is exactly from this very narrow geographical region representing different parts of South Asia. Amazing example of diversity isn't it ?
  12. P

    citizenship by convenience

    Many of those blaming the CoC just don't realize that the health care and the budget of Canada is ripped off predominantly from people who are IN Canada. Every single person working at the low end job is a burden, because we are getting all our taxes back but we are using all the benefits on a...
  13. P

    citizenship by convenience

    Ever since that intend to reside clause came up, this was the very moment I realized how helpless Canada is to hold it's own immigrants. That was a pure move caused by desperation, because when someone is leaving it is actually a prove that Canada is not that good as quality and standard of...
  14. P

    citizenship by convenience

    I fully agree with johnr and Lux et Veritas, but I was somehow prepared that for me it will be tough, because usually the first generation immigrants is the most screwed one. There is also a reason why the dominant portion of immigrants are coming from a very narrow geographical region in the...
  15. P

    citizenship by convenience

    Realistically Bill C-6 has to become a law within couple of weeks(before the summer recess). By the way Harper also divided the Canadians as old and new stock. I guess that therefore if a Canadian is born abroad but at the same time represents the old stock he/she should NOT be considered as...
  16. P

    citizenship by convenience

    I was quite frank by the way a little while ago that for example I am a long term burden for the Canadian economy by working at the low end and using meanwhile all the benefits here as PR. All the people working at the low end are in the very same burden causing situation for Canada. Trust me...
  17. P

    citizenship by convenience

    Lux et Veritas If a kid of CoC is born in Canada is impossible to be labeled CoC, but if his brother or sister were born abroad they are the real CoC. :P I just love the whole absurd issue of CoC, measuring intends which are changing on a constant basis. Typical Harper style Bull$its.
  18. P

    citizenship by convenience

    Of course that you don't mind to pay for all those people but only if they stay in Canada . I also benefit from people like you. Many people by the way would love to stay here when someone else (people like you) pays their bills.
  19. P

    citizenship by convenience

    Very good point. I also don't understand what is the fuzz about the CoC and the health care when everyone has to wait a long time to be properly treated.
  20. P

    citizenship by convenience

    Canada wants to continue to support them by making them feel guilty if they want to leave. The longer they stay here the bigger the burden gets for the budget. My point is that there absolutely no benefit for the economy from people in such low end jobs. And the supporters of that CoC idea want...