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  1. argieargie

    e-APR AOR March 2017 pool - join here

    Can't wait to see who's gonna be the first one getting PPR among March AOR people! :)
  2. argieargie

    Validation of COPR- appointment with IRCC

    are you sure?? I thought when you receive the confirmation of PR, you can then go to get your new SIN number which means you can use your new SIN to work, you don't have to wait until you do the landing.
  3. argieargie

    I got a junk email from IRCC.CPCO-FinalRequest-CTDO-DemandeFinale.IRCC@cic.gc.ca

    I found this and guess is a list of offices for landing? http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/offices/help.asp#bc I'm planning to schedule an appointment in office too, going to border is so complicated to me since I don't drive.
  4. argieargie

    What is the first activity after e-APR-AOR (FSW)?

    I'd rather they invite fewer people and process applications faster than invite huge amount of people having everyone waiting for months and months.
  5. argieargie

    e-APR AOR March 2017 pool - join here

    My medical passed on April 3rd and no changes since then. It's been 21 days after medical passed. I think I'm not those lucky ones who got PPR in 40-50 days. Expecting to wait another 20 days... :(
  6. argieargie

    Proof of funds

    Proof of funds is not needed for CEC.
  7. argieargie

    How much extra charge for tattoos at medical?

    I have tattoos. I didn't get charged extra when I'm doing medical exam. She just asked if I have tattoos, I said yes and thats it.
  8. argieargie

    Can I get the police certificate before entering the pool?

    It's fine as long as your certificate is valid when you apply for permanent residence. I did mine before entering the pool.
  9. argieargie

    e-APR AOR March 2017 pool - join here

  10. argieargie

    e-APR AOR March 2017 pool - join here

    Does this mean PPR ? woah.. it's fast. My AOR is March 8th too.
  11. argieargie

    e-APR AOR March 2017 pool - join here

    I'm wondering the same thing. It's in the immigration tracker; that person didn't say.
  12. argieargie

    e-APR AOR March 2017 pool - join here

    Just saw a March applicant got PPR in 34 days OMG :o
  13. argieargie

    CEC Applicants - Notifications

    I logged into my CIC to check
  14. argieargie

    CEC Applicants - Notifications

    I guess you won't get notification for passing the medical and will only receive notification when they need extra files? My medical passed on 3rd too, but I didn't get any notification.
  15. argieargie

    AOR in March - 2017 Express Entry

  16. argieargie

    Documents for landing

    This is what I found for people in Canada already. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=748&top=22
  17. argieargie

    AOR in March 2017 - Connect here :)

  18. argieargie

    March 2017 - AOR - CEC Inland

    There's a tracker for PR process. You can sort it by category so you can see other people's timeline under whichever stream you want to see. https://myimmitracker.com/en/ca/trackers/march-2017-aor-permanent-residency-tracker