You should see a pdf that contains your EE Refrence code & Job seekers validation code..
click on the Third link of my first post and next ckick on Job Seekers button, register your self with the above refrence codes..
Yes, People with Canadian Education get extra Points depending upon the No. of Years of Canadian Education.. More Canadian Education means Extra Points.
are you clicking on the agree buttons, i think there are 2.
have you tried changing your browser? if not try it now, install the latest chrome , mozilla or IE and try again, sometimes there is a problem with the browser too..
It happened with me first 2-3 times but I was not filling last name that time(Becoz I dont have a last name only Given name). but then I was able to submit once i filled in both given name(Not Applicable) and last name(My Given name) as suggested my CIC help link.
Make sure you are filling in...
When you open your CIC account there will be a withdraw button below your submitted application button. Click it.
By the way hw many years did you write?
1. Yes you are right.
2. 5 years.
3. You will get only points for her bachelors. And i think you should get her eca report done.
5. You can do that.. go ahead.
WES sends two copies of ECA report. Dont u have another one or may be u have a photocopy of ur ECA Report check from that and update immediately otherwise u'll be in problem.