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  1. Intocanada

    Bad news for TFW under food service processing their LMO

    stopDa is right. It does not effect hotel industry irrespective of noc.
  2. Intocanada

    Bad news for TFW under food service processing their LMO

    It depends on what type of job in hotel. Please share your noc.
  3. Intocanada

    Bad news for TFW under food service processing their LMO

    Guessing is very good game when it comes to this case. My guess and gut feeling is that the changes will be announced by end of this month. I have learnt that kenney is very aggressive minister. So I don't think he will keep quite for months. However, the rules he might bring may be harsh for...
  4. Intocanada

    Bad news for TFW under food service processing their LMO

    True. Media, uff they are always like this in any country. They try to create sensational news and on top of it, they try to control the govt decision. If they can deliver the judgement and rules, why do need govt at all. Same is the case with tfw. I have been using google news on hourly basis...
  5. Intocanada

    Bad news for TFW under food service processing their LMO

  6. Intocanada

    Bad news for TFW under food service processing their LMO

    Hey, Where did you get this news? Could you plz share the link? Although, I am not in the Food Industry category, I am very interested to know the latest happenings.
  7. Intocanada

    March 2014 LMO processing times.

    I read in one of the forums about this After 10 weeks SErvices Canada rang employer and said it was being declined since corporate addess (ie: po box) not listed in job, only the physical address. HR tried to argue the case, but HRSDC held steady and lmo can't be resubmitted until 18th feb...
  8. Intocanada

    March 2014 LMO processing times.

    I think you misunderstood me. I just said I have completed 4 weeks of waiting. I don't know how much waiting is still pending. ::) With new proposed changes that would be announced, I fear the impact.
  9. Intocanada

    Current LMO processing times Jan 2014

    Re: Query : Current LMO processing times Jan 2014 1yr is just too much. I think the max I heard is 7months. Could you share the noc and province for which lmo is applied? I think you need to talk to your employer. If you already spoke to him, what did the employer say?
  10. Intocanada

    March 2014 LMO processing times.

    Completed 4 weeks Noc 2174 Province - BC
  11. Intocanada

    Bad news for TFW under food service processing their LMO

    Article on Food industry immigrants - http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/vanessa-routley/foreign-workers-fast-food_b_5262806.html The story is very painful. Have a look
  12. Intocanada

    Bad news for TFW under food service processing their LMO

    Sounds awkward, but true.
  13. Intocanada

    Bad news for TFW under food service processing their LMO

    Hey forgot to mention. My job noc is 2174 (s/w developer)
  14. Intocanada

    Bad news for TFW under food service processing their LMO

    I know it's difficult to answer but lmo's which are getting processed now, will they get impacted? Any guesses? If impacted, I would lose at least 4weeks of processing time.
  15. Intocanada

    Bad news for TFW under food service processing their LMO

    They are keeping everyone on edge. Nobody is sure what changes will be brought in. Hopefully, the ban will be lifted.
  16. Intocanada

    Bad news for TFW under food service processing their LMO

    Seems like the tfw changes are just around the corner. http://www.ipolitics.ca/2014/05/01/kenney-preparing-to-tighten-rules-for-temporary-foreign-workers-program/
  17. Intocanada

    March 2014 LMO processing times.

    Frankly speaking, lmo's are taking lot of time for processing. Be prepared for at least 10weeks. But, if you get in 45days as told by your employer, you will be very lucky.
  18. Intocanada

    Bad news for TFW under food service processing their LMO

    What is the job for which you are selected? And the noc code. Only jobs related to food industry are effected. More over, as you already got the wp in your hand, I don't think your visa will be effected. This is what I know. Maybe, experts have to elaborate!
  19. Intocanada

    March 2014 LMO processing times.

    Fron what i learnt, Lmo generally takes 8-12 weeks. Its based on noc, province & employer compliance standards
  20. Intocanada

    Steps in LMO and the time line

    Well, the employer has the history of issuing successful lmo. Instead, I even know the company processed A-lmo successfully.