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  1. Nahush

    Strike: Visa applied after june 3rd in India

    Dude, you got ur visa yet? you applied to chc Delhi right?
  2. Nahush

    Got a mail from Canadian embassy today

    Hey, Vijay! What a pleasant surprise to see you here! Cant you just e-mail them the documents? Did they mention in the e-mail about how you are supposed to submit the medical tests? Dont worry bro, just submit the tests as soon as possible and keep praying. All will be fine!
  3. Nahush

    New Zealand/ Australia

    Yes, for sure! :D
  4. Nahush


    If you want low visa refusal rate apply for a uni instead of college. And if you want full proof 100%visa guaranteed then apply to any top ranking university which has very high fees and very high cut-off. I guess the same rule doesn't(or may be does) apply to colleges but i dont think thrs any...
  5. Nahush


    Dont ask him, but go and have a fight with him! Sending attested photocopies is like the most basic rule, how can he even call himself a Consultant! Seriously man, ppls future is at stake here. Make sure that he dosent misguide any students in the future. Also enquire if you can now send the...
  6. Nahush

    VISA Power Go Get IT>>>>GOT IT !!!!!!!!

    Congratulations buddy! Did you apply under SPP or Uni? Please pray for the rest of us now....... Enjoy!
  7. Nahush

    Awaiting Visa !!!!!!!!!

    Wow!!you must hav got the e-mail just minutes afta this post. Congrats! Plz do pray for the rest of us!
  8. Nahush

    need help

    LOL.....I was wondering exactly the same thing! ;D
  9. Nahush

    where to land

    I don't know much in this matter, but I cant see any reason why you landing at some othr city would be a problem. Chill!
  10. Nahush


  11. Nahush

    Finally after long and hard work, got visa from CHC delhi.......................

    Dont worry friends.....Just pray to god all depends on him.
  12. Nahush

    New Zealand/ Australia

    I'm glad I could help :D I am waiting for my visa.....Please remember me in your prayers! tc
  13. Nahush


    I am not sure but some of the reasons could be- 1. Uni fees >>>> college fees, 2. Getting into a uni is difficult compared to college(cut off for uni is high), 3. As sandhuboy said thrs strict checkin of docs in uni, 4. And i guess most unis are internationally recognized or something not sure...
  14. Nahush


    Thank you for the info dude! Had no way of knowing that here in Mumbai.
  15. Nahush

    please help !!

    Try to get into a uni! chances for visa in Uni>collg. Apply for visa under uni category. choose a program.
  16. Nahush

    New Zealand/ Australia

  17. Nahush


    Apply to a university instead of a collg. Chances of getin visa for uni>collg. Dont tell them about the business degree, show a 3 yr job experience instead(if possible). Do you have low marks in the business degree? Are you failing in it? If you tell them about the business degree, then dont...
  18. Nahush

    strike update

    People are getting their visas even during the strike- http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/strike-visa-applied-after-june-3rd-in-india-t152781.0.html Cheers!
  19. Nahush

    Strike: Visa applied after june 3rd in India

    wow dude! its good to hear that they are still processing during the strike ;D :D
  20. Nahush

    canadian ambassy strike

    Next week?! I was hoping it would finish this week.