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  1. Ms Malawi

    Spousal Visa Application Scenarios-Please contribute Your Scenario

    I came across the thread and decided to wait until I had submitted my application to join. Sponsor: Female, 28, consultant, Canadian citizen by birth, no children, one previous marriage. Applicant/Sponsor Candidate: Male, 28, student, Malawian citizen by birth, no children, no previous...
  2. Ms Malawi

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    I envied all those who had their partners to help them!!! But my husband knows he owes me BIG time!!!! Since apparently I like paperwork just a little less than he does!
  3. Ms Malawi

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Thank you, I did.. and the night it was in the mail I second guessed so many things.. but like I have heard if something is missing or they have questions they will ask. And to be honest my date to send it seemed to move later and later all the time. But feels good to at least have made some...
  4. Ms Malawi

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    That is all that matters and sounds like you did find your "match made in heaven" Usually when we find the "right" ones we aren't looking for it and it can be in unusal places!!
  5. Ms Malawi

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    I agree. With the world.we live in now being so busy and so technology based it is hard to meet anyone in person outside of work. And when you work in a small company that percentage goes down even more. My husband is the first guy ive ever dated i didnt meet online, but can say i have made...
  6. Ms Malawi

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Good morning... Everyone enjoy the biscuits and im definitetly gonna be around for the good ideatodays... Seems like a good day to laugh!
  7. Ms Malawi

    November 2012 Applicants Unite!

    Congrats to all on your approval!!! Sends good vibes my way!!!
  8. Ms Malawi

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    I really apprecaite this group.. keep the conversation going!!! If only I could access this at work!!!!
  9. Ms Malawi

    How I organized our applcation and a summary of all helpful tips I have learned

    HI Kishie, I just sent my application off using some of the hints from Pelipeli.. but ultimately it comes down to your preference. For me I put all my photos in the third envelope (Proof of Relationship) and then referenced the photos on the forms. I had used page numbers for the photos and...
  10. Ms Malawi

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Re: Love or Opportunity? How true that is Amikety... I sent mine away yesterday only to be on the phone with my husband saying did we forget this or that.. or was this too much or not enough.. At least the good thing is that is sent and I can join the waiting game with all of you still waiting...
  11. Ms Malawi

    November 2012 Applicants Unite!

    I can finally officially join this group!!! Our application was sent to Mississauga yesterday to arrive today. Only two weeks later than I had hoped! So good luck to all in this waiting game and for those who are lucky to be with your partner I envy you! :)
  12. Ms Malawi

    immigration photo question

    Thanks Sweden, I had enough to go with every option! Hopefully one works! Now to wait!
  13. Ms Malawi

    immigration photo question

    Hi.. for immigration photos has there been a consensus on how they need to be labeled? Name and date photo was taken on the back? On all 8 (africa guide) or just on 1? And is it ok to just attached to any form by paperclip in an envelope? Thanks! Off to the mail tomorrow!
  14. Ms Malawi

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Re: Love or Opportunity? Thank you Half Moon. No, that is the sad part of the story he was not deported. He was here under different terms and just stayed. And he has continued to leave a long line of heartbreak and children along the way. I keep hoping something will happen and he will be...
  15. Ms Malawi

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Re: Love or Opportunity? I agree it definitely makes a person smarter. I think it has made me really appreciate my husband now. I know he is different than my ex was, but having someone who is willing to work through my past with me does make things a little easier in trusting again! And...
  16. Ms Malawi

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Re: Love or Opportunity? Thank you Half Moon I have no problem sharing what I went through, especially if it saves someone else from the pain and uncertainty I went through. My ex was all about getting married and shoving immigration papers under my nose every chance he got. I was not into...
  17. Ms Malawi

    November 2012 Applicants Unite!

    Hi all!! Can't wait to join you all in this forum! Hoping to send the application on Monday!! Will be such a good feeling to go to the next stage after planning and filling in forms! :) Good luck to all!
  18. Ms Malawi

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Re: Love or Opportunity? Thanks, that is definitely something I am working on and my partner is a great support for that. Being honest has been good and its increased open communication and I have found it explains some of my questions or distrusting attitudes when word just can't. Trying...
  19. Ms Malawi

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Re: Love or Opportunity? I love this forum. Thank you Half moon! And thank you to everyone for sharing! I have been in a situation where my previous spouse was after me to sponsor him, but as a young and naive girl I was blind. I never went through with the paperwork, however I did marry...
  20. Ms Malawi

    Question about supplyying proof

    HI there, I am wondering if phone bills, chat logs and emails can be printed double sided? Does it matter? I know that is probably a minor detail, but I am printing out the bulk of my documents this weekend and if I can save a tree, I will! :) Thanks!