Seems that they processing from april. they replied back to me saying that they will process in order of receipt. so our packages are still unopened. will take another couple of months for receipt.
But if they have back to back draws the high scores will be removed so then it could lower. I’m willing to wait even until end of this year if fsw opens. Ielts maxed out. Can’t help coz age is 33
What do you guys thing about score from 460 to 465. Would there be any chance. Maybe after the fsw opens after about 4 back to back rounds. Do you think it’s possible ?
Last update was that they are processing first week of April.
Use this link below and let’s update there
when did your documents gets accepted by Wes? Currently they are opening packages delivered in first week of April. So all the docs after that are still unopened and will be delayed for maybe 3 more months