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Search results

  1. mossee

    Buffalo,NY - PPR Question

    OK that makes sense! Thank you so much! :D
  2. mossee

    Buffalo,NY - PPR Question

    Hi guys, my husband just got his PPR via e-mail. And I just had a few questions, any help would be much appreciated! 1) He is currently visiting with me in Canada, and has received a visitor record for 6 months. But his address we applied with is in the USA. Do we send his PP to Buffalo...
  3. mossee

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Just got an email from Buffalo!! Dear Applicant: This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. We are now in a position to request your passports for visa issuance. Please submit your passport(s) before 08-AUGUST-2011 . The issuance of your visa(s) is time sensitive...
  4. mossee

    Thread for March 2011 Applicants!

    OMG! I didn't think e-Cas would ever CHANGE! We started processing **** ****** ****** application on June 7, 2011. Medical results have been received. AND OMG we just checked my husband's EMAIL! Dear Applicant: This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. We are...
  5. mossee

    "Dual Intent": why are so many afraid to come as visitor with PR in process?

    So my husband flew up from California to be with me while we wait for our App. to be processed. He flew up to Bellingham, WA and I picked him up and drove back to BC. I had a copy of my application as well as my Sponsorship approval letter from CIC, he had his bank statements and letters with...
  6. mossee

    One Piece of Advice

    I wish I had found these forums before I submitted my application! I'd probably be less panicky all the time. My husband tells me to BREATH! but I just cant relax!
  7. mossee

    Thread for March 2011 Applicants!

    Thanks for the updated chart Tulamoon! When you have time again to add updates: My app. was received at the VO on: April 14, 2011
  8. mossee

    the jobs are not forth coming

    Discriminate is a harsh word. I don't believe MOST places discriminate against immigrants because really there are so many different ethnic backgrounds that it would be unlikely you could tell if someone was born in Canada or immigrated. I feel that if you are not fluent in English or French...
  9. mossee

    the jobs are not forth coming

    Have you looked at jobbank.gc.ca ? I know that there are tonnes of listings there for all different types of jobs. I know from personal experience, that with my ex, he was successful in getting a trades job through this site on multiple occasions. Good luck. I would post the link but it won't...
  10. mossee

    Entering Canada before or during application?

    So after reading many posts about this, including googling "Dual Intent", I'm still not really sure exactly what is ok or not. LOL. My husband has a ticket booked to fly up to Canada from the USA on May 31 (YAY!) and I want him to stay with me while we wait for the PR application to go through...
  11. mossee

    Help. Need to hear positive things about Vancouver, Port Coquitlam

    Well culture is not always necessarily just music and art. There are many performing arts that come and go here, as well as many music clubs etc. These are not always posted on every pamphlet, but I believe that Vancouver's culture is much more "outdoor." We bike/ride the seawall, do the "Grouse...
  12. mossee

    Help. Need to hear positive things about Vancouver, Port Coquitlam

    Hi Salsalvr, I've been living in Vancouver for all of my 26 years :P. I don't know what sites you were looking at but they don't seem that accurate. We are a friendly place, we just hosted the olympics! There are many art galleries and Emily Carr Institute of Art in Granville Island is a very...
  13. mossee

    Details of Family Members-Application for Permanent Residence in Canada form

    Just put N/A, but make sure to include it. They don't like missing or BLANK forms, so just put N/A. Thats what I did :D
  14. mossee

    Thread for March 2011 Applicants!

    Hi guys, just wanted to join the March applicants party. Good luck everyone and wishing everyone a speedy process. Cause I'm going crazy already!
  15. mossee

    How did you meet?

    Heehee, I'm joining you guys in the WOW genre of meeting my spouse. We both played WOW together and he was the GM of our guild lol. Just friends that talked online here and there. Being quite unhappy with my current life at the time, I decided to go on a trip by myself to visit some of these...
  16. mossee

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Thanks guys for having these posts, they comfort me in knowing I'm not the only one out there. I live in Vancouver, BC, my husband lives in Sacramento, CA. So it's not just a weekend drive away :( All we get to rely on are web chats, and a visit once every 6-8 weeks, and travel out of Vancouver...