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  1. T

    Ray Of Hope - 87th Draw

    Thank you! I’m registering for the test now. Best of luck to all of us!
  2. T

    Ray Of Hope - 87th Draw

    Hi everyone, Please Excuse me if I have repeated the question (in case someone asked already). I have 433 with CELPIP 11-9-9-8, and I’m thinking of retaking the test within this month. Do you think if I should take the test or should wait for the score to drop? Any prediction on when it’s going...
  3. T

    Ray of Hope - 81st Draw

    Wait for tomorrow morning around 8:00am Ottawa time. His predictions only come a few hours prior to the potential draw. Finger crossed for 3,000+ ITAs
  4. T

    Ray of Hope - 81st Draw

    i think not. January 2018 you will get ITA. Probably in the 82nd draw
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    Ray of Hope - 81st Draw

    Decembers 2016 & 2017 were the same too. The last draws was at around this time of the month that left us a 3-week gap draw. 99% chance of back-to-back draw in January 2018 to follow CIC's year-end trend :)
  6. T

    Ray of Hope - 79th Draw

    https://www.cicnews.com/2017/11/november-kicks-off-promising-start-towards-2018-express-entry-targets-119905.html#gs.YmxkF5U I felt so down yesterday, but this article came in my mailbox and brightened up my day. Keep faith alive! I think the reason why CIC is issuing lesser ITA in these last 2...
  7. T

    Ray of Hope - 79th Draw

    Could you please share the link to this webpage?
  8. T

    Ray of Hope - 79th Draw

    As I don't know your job titles and duties in the last 4 years, I can't really say anything. But if you want to look for a sales manager job immediately when landing here, it will be difficult. Even tho your exp targets US & Canada markets, it still doesn't mean that you have Canadian work exp...
  9. T

    Ray of Hope - 79th Draw

    Thank you :) It irritates me a lot when going thru those kind of posts, so I can't help but want to share my opinions. If one can't help solve the problem, don't make others feel worse about their situation because words do hurt. That's simply my message :)
  10. T

    Ray of Hope - 79th Draw

    I like it how you talk about job opportunities. I have been living in toronto for 6 years now, and I have to say that there is plenty of opportunities for everyone. If you don't have the Canadian work experience, start with something lower than your ability to gain the basic exp. Soon after you...
  11. T

    Ray of Hope - 79th Draw

    @vensak I tried to keep these thoughts about you for myself only, but now I have to speak up. You should keep your "pride" and attitude for your own thread called "For PR only". You are participating in a wrong thread, keep in mind that this is "RAY OF HOPE". If you can't really understand the...
  12. T

    Ray of Hope - 79th Draw

    440 should give you ITA next week. you should read this thread from the beginning for better vision of the draw next week (if you havent done so).
  13. T

    Ray of Hope - 79th Draw

    I admire your optimism. And of course we all want to get higher pay cheques, but I'm one of the critics lol. Plus I'm not supporter of Kathleen Wynne for some nasty things she has done. Anyway, wage hikes followed by goods prices. At the end, workers suffer the most. But I do want to see the...
  14. T

    Ray of Hope - 79th Draw

    Not really a good news. Although Ontario sounds to be attractive with jobs and opportunities, not many companies want to pay employee such high minimum wage. It is predicted that there will be more lay-offs and tighter labour control. $15 is not as good as it sounds because of high income tax...
  15. T

    Ray of Hope - 79th Draw

    I like your logic; however, I think you are missing the fluctuation of scores (by age, English exams, work experience, etc.) and new candidate's profiles that change the pool size hence the CRS cut-off. But there's no harm to keep the positive vibe in our ROH! :)
  16. T

    Ray of Hope - 79th Draw

    Don't think there would be a draw tomorrow. But if there was it would be lower than 432 per @abhishek_89
  17. T

    Ray of Hope - 79th Draw

    Nothing is impossible with CIC and its new immigration strategy.