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  1. K

    Education History in ITA

    Not yet, I have 53 days remaining, I think I will be done in that time. How long does it usually take?
  2. K

    Education History in ITA

    Thanks! everyone. At this point, I think I will just mention my bachelors and say no for ECA.
  3. K

    Education History in ITA

    Dang! I don't think I can get ECA done in 50 days, getting transcripts from my Old university back in India will take long time! I will mention the bachelors and put no for ECA.
  4. K

    Education History in ITA

    But, I have a masters degree from Canada. I did not mention the Bachelors degree in EE profile as well.
  5. K

    Education History in ITA

    Wouldn't I need an ECA if I mention it there?
  6. K

    Education History in ITA

    Do I need to mention my Bachelors degree in Education history, if I have Masters degree in Canada.
  7. K

    Personal History in ITA

    Hi, So confused about this part of application. "Provide the details of KarmicYogi's personal history in the last ten years (or since his/her 18th birthday if this was less than ten years ago). Start with the most recent information. Under 'Activity type', select what KarmicYog was doing...
  8. K

    ITA recived: Next steps?

    thanks, one question though, how would i know If I am required to submit birth certificate and Canadian PCC?
  9. K

    ITA recived: Next steps?

    Hi, Firstly, thanks everyone for their help. Now that I have received the ITA, I need to know the progression of events. I looked at the invitation, its just basic info. At what point would I know what documents am I required to submit. Do I have submit the application first?
  10. K

    Not Eligible

    Hey money is too less. try increasing it to 13000. That worked for me.
  11. K

    CELPIP query

    I can't send you as the tests have expired. You can buy them from celpip website. I paid $35 for 3 months I think.
  12. K

    Content of PCC from BLS India.

    I got the PCC delivered to me today and it does not have my picture. Also, it just states that " There is no adverse information for "my name " son of "Fathers name" which will render him inapplicable for visa applications including Canadian VISA. Signed by consulate General of India. Is...
  13. K

    CELPIP query

    Go for Celpip reevaluation. My speaking score got increased from 8 to 10 and writing from 8 to 9. It is cheap and fast, you can just send speaking and writing for reval.
  14. K

    35th Draw Forecast - Any Guesses?

    Dude the draw already happened. 483 cutoff.
  15. K

    Accept OR Decline ITA

    Buy the CELPIP practice test, any of set 1 to 3. Look at the sample writing response. They have a sample for score 7-9 and 10-12, read them both and try to figure out what is the difference. I agree, writing is scored weirdly. I got 9 in writing myself so may not be the best person to answer...
  16. K

    Accept OR Decline ITA

    Thanks I declined the invitation. I may to reject the next 3 invitations as well. I might get my PCC in two weeks, would that be valid when I apply in July?
  17. K

    When will people with CRS 350 be selected!!!

    I read that around September or december lower scores can be expected.
  18. K

    Accept OR Decline ITA

    I think I will cancel the current and subsequent ITA, someone in the thread said that there were instances where the application got rejected after 6 months. I don't think I should take chances.
  19. K

    Accept OR Decline ITA

    Definitely worth a shot. My score of 409 bumped to 478 just because of English. if u can get R&L 10, W&S 9, your score will increase a lot.
  20. K

    Accept OR Decline ITA

    Hi, In brief, my score was 478 until 31 May. On June 1st my EE score got updated to 518 automatically, because of Canadian Experience. Now the problem is that I have not completed one year of Canadian experience, yet. On 6th July I will complete one year of Canadian experience. The 518...