Thanks so much rjessome for your help,,,my husband had his interview on Sept 12, 2011 and my husband told the OV that his medicals will expire on Oct 15,,the OV told him at the interview he should redo the medicals,,, I just hope this will come to an end soon and that I will have my husband...
:) I need husband had to do his medical for the second time because his 1st medical expired last week,,my question is,,,does he send in his new medical results or does the Dr. send them. The Dr. kept some forms to send to Paris and she gave my husband 2 forms, one with his picture on...
Amira00,,iam so sorry you had to go through this,,I read all your post's when you were trying to get your husband here. What happend that changed so much,,just curious why he left? I do remember your story,,you went through alot to get him to Canada,,
:P 16 more hour's to go before my husband has his interview,,,
:D iam sure he will do great,,still one worries ???
:) I can use every ones :) pray's at this moment,,, :)
I got my letter back in April saying I was approved and my application was tranfered to Rabat for futher proccessing. My husband got his letter last month like I stated and he did not get a Letter but he did get a number like mine. What changed in his letter was one number from mine. As far as I...
My husband received a letter from Rabat last month after 3 month's. No e-mail just a letter. The letter just stated they received his app and this is your new client id number.
wow congratulation HayatELFadil
I don't think he will have an interview if he will be picking up his visa,,
:) wishing you great news to come,,keep us all posted,,, :)
:) Congratulations, I hope all our processes will be fast like yours.
Life begins now for you, all the best. Just want to ask you did your husband receive a letter or e-mail from Rabat that they received his paper's from Mississauga???
hi hayatElFadil
To my understanding there is no visitor visa... it takes 10 months for the process. Just wondering did your husband receive anything from Rabat??
Congratulation by the way on your buddle of joy. I know itz hard to be apart from our loved ones. My paper's were also received In...