Wow do you mean April applicant that file was transferred to London visa office or April applicant from other visa office?
Am just concerned about April applicants that their file got transferred to London in July.
Congratulations. Am happy to see people from March are getting DM from LVO. I hope before this month end we can start seeing April applicant from LVO getting DM. Once again congratulations and enjoy
Hi Chelsea, please can i ask if London visa office has started application received in April 2018 or they are still in March?
Please check for me and i think we are on same boat as well.
Good to hear you are April applicants and London visa office. Please can i ask when was your file got transferred to London visa office and when they started the process in London?
Congratulations. Please when did you applied and when was your file transferred to London visa office. Please share your timeline and we would be more appreciated.