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  1. J

    AOR JULY 2016 >>> JOIN HERE

    FSW inland, I think VO is Ottawa, am not sure though. Am from India and my husband is still there
  2. J

    AOR JULY 2016 >>> JOIN HERE

    I received RPRF request yesterday. AOR July 31. The requested letter says that they found my application eligible and the background check is still ongoing. ( I need to submit RCMP PCC, which I applied last Friday
  3. J

    AOR JULY 2016 >>> JOIN HERE

    That's good! At least some movement
  4. J

    AOR AUGUST 2016 <<<JOIN HERE>>>>

    http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/aor-august-2016-join-here-t440878.0.html This is an existing thread for Aug AOR, Kindly post your timeline there
  5. J

    LMIA application processing time?

    My employer applied for 2 high wage lmia in the past, one waa a regular lmia and it to almost 6 months for approval and the other one was lmia to support PR only and it too almost 3 weeks.
  6. J

    AOR JULY 2016 >>> JOIN HERE

    FSW inland with job offer
  7. J

    AOR JULY 2016 >>> JOIN HERE

    I have had the same experience. July 31 AOR and until Aug 15 no update and on Aug 16, CIC asked for original CELPIP report an I uploaded it on the same day. Aug 17 my medicals passed and BG in progress. So wait for the good news..
  8. J

    Re: AOR AUGUST 2016 >>> JOIN HERE

    Here is My Timeline ITA - June 1 AOR - July 31 CELPIP report Request from CIC - Aug 16 and uploaded on the same day Medicals passed and BG in Progress - Aug 17 FSW Inland - CRS 1046
  9. J

    Re: AOR AUGUST 2016 >>> JOIN HERE

    As per my personalised Document checklist, i was not supposed to upload CELPIP report. Even then I uploaded it with the Letter of Explanation.
  10. J

    Spouse open work permit for Alberta Provincial Nominee candidate

    The provincial nomination alone will not give an open work permit. Did you include your wife in the AINP application? When did you get married?
  11. J

    Info on LMIA

    It is pretty hard to get a positive LMIA for a low-skilled position not impossible though. The unemployment rate is less than 6% in all regions in SK except Prince Albert and Northern, so ESDC still accepts an application from these regions. Approval of LMIA depends on how well your employer...
  12. J

    Company that provided LMIA is closing

    With an Open Work Permit, he can work with any employer.
  13. J

    Company that provided LMIA is closing

    Since you are a Canadian, why don't you think about sponsoring him under the 'Spousal Sponsorship' category. If he is applying as an inland candidate, he may be able to get an Open Work Permit in 4 months
  14. J

    AOR JULY 2016 >>> JOIN HERE

    july 31 AOR, today CIC requested original CELPIP report.
  15. J

    Re: AOR AUGUST 2016 >>> JOIN HERE

    Today, I have a request from CIC to upload original CELPIP report
  16. J

    LMIA application processing time?

    She might have applied online, through MyCIC. Make sure, she applied for a new WP. If she applied online, she must receive a confirmation letter immediately. Even if you didn't get the AOR, you are on implied status as far as you submit an application with all the required documents, before the...
  17. J

    Re: AOR AUGUST 2016 >>> JOIN HERE

    I tried to update the details, but it didnt work for some reason.
  18. J

    LMIA application processing time?

    You can continue to work under implied status since you applied already.
  19. J

    AOR JULY 2016 >>> JOIN HERE

    My AOR is July 31 and since then no updates. I did the medicals in June in Canada and my husband did is medical on 13th July. Also 'Review of submitted documents' shows blank since 31 July. Looking at others' timeline am getting frustrated
  20. J

    Re: AOR AUGUST 2016 >>> JOIN HERE

    Am 31st July AOR, since then my review of submitted documents is blank and the medicals not changed yet. Is it normal? am little worried.