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  1. GMG

    Why passport copies are needed?

    This is the e mail requsting the copies sent by Warsaw Embassy. This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. Please be advised that in order to continue the processing of your application, you are requested to provide a copy of all pages of your passport by mail...
  2. GMG

    Why passport copies are needed?

    Don't worry,,I hope u get ur passport request before it expires,,but if u r requested to redo it u will get it soon..Practice shows when people are requested to do remedical it doesn't take too long to get the passport request.Now I hope so cause I am in that situation and...
  3. GMG

    Why passport copies are needed?

    There r many people,also me going through Warsaw embassy from visa-required countries who were also requested passport copies,don't know why copies are needed..for example me(from visa-required country)-I was requested to provide all copies of my passport on Feb 11th and was requsted to redo my...
  4. GMG

    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    Good news,,requesting re medical is a good sign,,,hope it means getting visa is closer,,good luck
  5. GMG

    Remedical !!!

    Thank u for ur support Dian jaan :)
  6. GMG

    Remedical !!!

    Thank u :) ...I did it two days ago,,and hopefully we will send it today )))
  7. GMG

    Remedical !!!

    I have one more question,,,Is remedical initially going to London again as the first one or immediately to Warsaw Embassy?
  8. GMG

    Remedical !!!

    Thank u :)
  9. GMG

    Remedical !!!

    Hi,,,Warsaw Embassy requested my passport copies some days ago,,Then they requested through email to redo the medical cause it was expired.My passport copies are in visa section now.Now I want to ask how long does it take when London reviews the 2nd medical,,and will it take a long time to get...
  10. GMG

    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    U will definitely hear some news very soon and your wife will get her visa soon,,cause yes it is not still over,but this process is going to be over very very soon for the ones whose applications were transferred from Moscow to Warsaw.
  11. GMG

    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    They didn't extend my medical time,,my meds were done Feb 3th 2014 ,,therefore it was expired this year,,then they requested me to redo the medical 3 days ago,,,I was also hoping they would extend at least a month and a half,but no..they just requested the 2nd,,,,I hope they don't request u to...
  12. GMG

    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    Oh,,tnx Dians,I just corrected it))
  13. GMG

    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    They requested me through email to redo the medical after recieving my passport copies,,It was expired few days ago,,,Will it take a long time to get the visa? :o
  14. GMG

    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    By the way,thank u for information,Onemoretime)))
  15. GMG

    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    What is the meaning first copies of all the pages then passport??in the e mail it is said--U r requested to provide a copy of all pages of ur passport.....there must be at least two blank pages in ur passport....blah blah blah,,,if we will be requested the passports then,,,why is this e mail...
  16. GMG

    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    We r visa-required..Then if we r visa-required countries why they requested to send them the copies of the passport.They should have requested the original passports only,,Don't know.....
  17. GMG

    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    Congratulationsssss sweetie :-*
  18. GMG

    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    Thank you dear :-* Not yet,I am going to send them on Monday,,Be sure the next is you , :-*
  19. GMG

    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    I hope to get the results soon after sending the photocopies ,,God bless and good luck to all of us
  20. GMG

    FILE TRANSFERRED FROM MOSCOW TO WARSHAW 2014,,,Warshaw processing time

    Thank you :) you will get it very very soon, ;) Good luck to you :)