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Search results

  1. E

    Express entry profile submitted, paid fee, says ITA Expired, urgent help

    If you've got the confirmation above, and the time stamp is still within your 60 day period, I think you're good as you can prove you sent it on time. I'd wait a couple of hours, as it seems just a technical glitch and it may sort it out by itself. The two lines I was referring is on the...
  2. E

    Express entry profile submitted, paid fee, says ITA Expired, urgent help

    If your application has gone through, you'd normally have two lines on your mycic account. One for the EE profile itself, and a new one for the application. Did you get a second line created ? I also submitted mine on the last day, did not have any issues. I noticed however that time zone they...
  3. E

    POF . Wife bank account plz help

    If your spouse is part of the application, i do not see the issue, it doesn't matter which applicant has the funds since it is assumed they will live together. Just submit both accounts under proof of funds. If CIC suspects it is not a true relationship, they will refuse the application on...
  4. E

    Required Documents-Post ITA for CEC

    what is your job, by the way ? if you're concerned about proving it is non seasonal, add payslips for the last 6 or 12 months to clarify. For most jobs this will be obvious from the job descriptions/duties/etc... and most skilled jobs are almost always non-seasonal. So unless you're a ski...
  5. E

    POF Bank statement

    so you had no bank account at all up to three months ago ? (other than this one which was de-activated) Perhaps this is common where you come from, but to someone in Canada this may be seen as suspicious, so please document it as best as you can. Receiving a large lump sum already raises...
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    EE Processing Time Calculator & General Statistics

    I just curious why people say that inland applications are processed faster ? The (albeit limited) data does not show that. Also, from what i read in the forums, CIC is often requesting RCMP checks for the inland applicants. This adds to the overall processing time, and for obvious reasons...
  7. E

    Payment Failure but application submitted !!

    happened to me also. it was not submitted, and after approximately two hours, i could submit and make the payment again.
  8. E

    Need some help from seniors..Letter of experience

    on question 3, you do not need to upload a copy of your english tests, only the report number. they may ask for it later though.
  9. E

    UK Citizens - Do you need Police Certificate from EU Countries after 6 months?

    I agree with what is said above by Jes_On. I would like to add that getting a PCC from France is easy and doesn't cost you anything. You just fill some information on their website and will receive it by mail in about a week or two. They do not charge you anything. So you may want to get one...
  10. E

    OOPNP fee for Brazilians!!!

    Voce tentou pelos Correios ou Western Union ?
  11. E

    EE Processing Time Calculator & General Statistics

    Tidelander, you're the best. if you're ever in Calgary, I'm more than happy to pay you a beer. I just submitted my application two days ago and was going through the forums to see what can I expect in terms of timeline. You just saved me lots of time, thanks a lot. Regards
  12. E

    Got an ITA but question with IELTS validity

    i think you're ok, as long as it is still valid when you submit your application. If you just received ITA and your IELTS expire next year, you're fine. (Assuming you will submit your application within the next 60 days).
  13. E

    technical issues while payment application fees on last day to submit applicatio

    Hi, I just had the following issue: - I completed my application and was ready to submit. I clicked on "transmit and pay" then webpage goes blank but nothing happens. After a while, i click on back to return to the previous webpage, but it logs again on my MyCiC account. On my application...
  14. E

    Suddenly score went up

    If what I've been observing is correct, you should receive an e-mail stating your profile has been updated in the beginning of October, then you'd log on and see you got additional points for the 2nd year experience in Canada. Please remember to share your experience here, so we can see if my...
  15. E

    Suddenly score went up

    Hi, I've noticed that CIC grants work experience points in the beginning of the month prior to the work anniversary. I've open a thread about that before, and there were no consensus on what should be done. My conclusion was to wait and apply only AFTER my work anniversary, so the points are...
  16. E

    question on use of representatives for online applications

    Hi, Currently, I am applying to extend my work permit with help of my company's lawyer, and at the same time, applying for PR through EE on my own (company does not support it, though it doesn't oppose it either). The lawyer has submitted the application (I authorised him as a representative)...
  17. E

    CIC is violating the Ministerial Instructions we have the right to know our Rank

    First time I see this, but I agree it clearly says rank relative to other foreign nationals, so it has to be more than just your score. Perhaps some can file under the freedom of information act and find out. This may be worth for those in the lower 400's score to have a better idea about...
  18. E

    ITA - FSW. I think I screw up!!! URGENT

    You're fine, just make sure the information on your submitted application is accurate and supported by documents. It does not change your CRS so you can still apply even if you make changes. However, note that having a job in Canada is not necessarily the same as having a job offer. If you say...
  19. E

    Application refused - ECA not provided

    The ECA for my Masters was missing from the application. So I submitted an incomplete application without realizing it (I had entered the ECA # when creating the EE profile, but this did not copy to the final application and I did not notice). I do not have an ECA for my bachelors and do not...
  20. E

    Application refused - ECA not provided

    The second question I got was: "I did not enter my WES # before ITA and answered "No" to the question asking if WES Assessment had been done in the past. I have my but WES Assessment done now and I am wondering if it is safe to add that on my Application? Can I also change the proof of funds to...