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  1. A

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    All of us here are under spousal sponsorship category. Do not be so worry. Check below chart and you will see, you are not alone at all. There are so many like you who are waiting for more than 15 months. Join us here and be patient. Most of us redid our medical as soon as the previous medical...
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Currencies! khob baraye ma ke az iran mirim mesle in mimoneh ke darim miyaim kanada. yani turkiyeh ham baraye ma geroni hast! :'( aslan jaii hast ke pole ma ba arzeshtar az pole ona bashe? :P
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Good news Hopefully you will hear good news very soon! :)
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    congratulation Souhait! Another green row for you! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtfQZUdQjnUFdFJ5emZUSWlIYW8tcU1kUHFWOUhxbGc Almost i update it every day! :-*
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    70 Lir ta CK FARABI badesh ham ke man piyadeh raftam 5-6 dagigeh
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    ba kamale meil! :P
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    har chegadr mikham jam o jortar bashe mesle inke nemishe. hichchi nashode ye chamdeone 30kiloii dorost kardam :P hanoz ketab mondan :'( hedyeh ;)
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Re: submitting the doc to Ankara you give the document and the officer will say that when you can come back and pick your passport up.
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    be gole ye aga to sefarat, parvandeha mogi ke az syriye be ankra residan dagigan ziro ro shodan. :o
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Re: Landing procedure! have a look at this topic too. Some new landed immigrants have spent only some minutes in immigration department. I hope it is so!
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Re: Landing procedure! when i checked the related link http://www.cbsa.gc.ca/noncan-eng.html#h-fs i did not find a useful data for new immigrant. Have a look and see if you can find some! If it were available online i think we must find it here, or?
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    here is the first green row of Beirut! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtfQZUdQjnUFdDVSNHBraWFVdkZORUdZTlhIUGxRNlE
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Landing procedure! Friends who has some experience about landing please check my gathered data and say if it is enough or we need more! 1- Interview process (Arrive ready for two interviews) http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/before-border-interview.asp 2- Crossing the border: documents...
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Fadi have a look at this topic http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/-t35499.0.html it is relevant skilled worker but i think it can helpful for you too.
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    19 PPR for year 2012! Only 7 PPR in May! We loved May so much! Come on!
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    BEIRUT Family Class Applications sent to Mississauga then BEIRUT 2012

    Finally came the great news from Beirut!
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    finally a good sign from Beirut! Mobarkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    send them only things that they want and in the way that they have mentioned in their letter. Last time when i informed them that i have renewed my medical they respond me only that they have noted it after 47 days! So do not worry!
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Lele we missed you! Where are you? Do not be down. Good news will come when you don not believe it!
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Refreshed chart for Ali, WXYZ and Aaaa! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtfQZUdQjnUFdEJWX25Ddm9yUVl6ZTVlYThGbUpHaXc