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  1. Divine Favour

    Please help me for the question # 13

    was a student in the UK and after that went back to my home country. do i put that too? for example dates effective 2009-09 to end date 2012/10 (which was when i went back home)
  2. Divine Favour

    Citizenship Applications after Bill C-6

    in the same boat with you. took an online course between 2014-2015 and was working during that time. i added those times in scenario 2. someone with more experience advise. thanks
  3. Divine Favour

    Question 10 a and 11 reply from CIC

    yeah I figured that but everyone I knew there, all resigned.
  4. Divine Favour

    Question 10 a and 11 reply from CIC

    what if you can't remember name of contact, phone number or email?
  5. Divine Favour

    Any Nigerian applying for citizenship

    applying for citizenship. yeah came to canada july 2014. calculating 4 years backwards, its 2013 to 2017.
  6. Divine Favour

    question 11

    if you can't remember name of contact or don't have an email address or number, do we just put NA. please help. Tried calling the call agent but its seems they arent taking calls any longer
  7. Divine Favour

    Any Nigerian applying for citizenship

    Question: do we need to be in Nigeria to get a police certificate or someone can get it for us?
  8. Divine Favour

    Where were you physically located

    why not just put the address of the consulting firm since they are your employer. dont know if it makes sense.
  9. Divine Favour

    For all who Landed as PR (LESS than 5 years ago)

    @spyfy or @dependabii would appreciate your opinion. thanks
  10. Divine Favour

    For all who Landed as PR (LESS than 5 years ago)

    ok now i am confused. someone here said he/she contacted cic and was told to check NO for question 9c and write an explanation now we are to check YES and write an explanation? which is it. need help with question 9. Thanks
  11. Divine Favour

    Citizenship Applications after Bill C-6

    having issue opening the file. keeps bringing up something about adobe reader. help pls?
  12. Divine Favour

    Citizenship Applications after Bill C-6

    in other news, a new governor general has been sworn in. so know that in case you are been asked in your citizenship test. ;)
  13. Divine Favour

    Does CIC take longer time to process of those who leave country after applying?

    thank you all for being truthful. every other person that has asked this question and those who reply, make it seem as if its unacceptable. thanks to @dpenabill for the detailed response and this question goes to you too. I am going to be in the same dilemma but different scenario. So my hubby...
  14. Divine Favour

    Move to USA while citizenship application in In Process

  15. Divine Favour

    Can I apply for citizenship while living abroad

  16. Divine Favour

    Letter to apply

    ok thanks
  17. Divine Favour

    Letter to apply

    Quick question......if one to due to apply for citizenship, does CIC send a notification letter?
  18. Divine Favour

    Citizenship Applications after Bill C-6

    question for you all. is it ok to put home residence address in toronto and mailing address in hamilton because i want to apply in hamilton. will that cause a problem? thanks for your feedback
  19. Divine Favour

    And the winner is.............MAGGYZHANG!

    everyone seem to be trolling Maggy but really this is just jealousy to be honest. ME, I pray mine gets processed as urgently as hers. STOP THE TROLLING GUYS AND JUST WISH HIM OR HER WELL...... too funny
  20. Divine Favour

    Citizenship interviews - Tips, Recent experiencess and impressions

    can you guys also share how many questions were asked at the test . Thanks