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  1. MandyUK

    Canada vs. UK??

    I learnt my french from abba... Voulez-vous (aha!) Take it now or leave it (aha!) Now is all we get (aha!) Nothing promised, no regrets Voulez-vous (aha!) Ain't no big decision (aha!) You know what to do (aha!) La question c'est voulez-vous Voulez-vous
  2. MandyUK

    Canada vs. UK??

    Je ne connais aucun français, j'ai utilisé Bing à traduire cela haha ;D
  3. MandyUK

    Canada vs. UK??

    I used bing lol, im idle couldnt be bothered to google it just right clicked it instead :P But yep a rooney agree totaly :)
  4. MandyUK

    Canada vs. UK??

    is playing the mission Impposible theme tune while getting ready to go outside and sweep the path ;D
  5. MandyUK

    Canada vs. UK??

    Now you tell me! :P
  6. MandyUK

    Canada vs. UK??

    and tim horton hot choccy yum yum *slurp* specially as its -30 in edmonton brrr
  7. MandyUK

    Canada vs. UK??

  8. MandyUK

    Canada vs. UK??

    lol thanks Shamsia, love u too :P
  9. MandyUK

    Canada vs. UK??

    Agreed 100% it is what you make it and what you want out of it, personelly I would like mayple syrup running through my viens, but Im sweet enough ;) ;D ;D ;D
  10. MandyUK

    Canada vs. UK??

    yeah I guess, he was with me for 2 weeks then went back cause of work, but i dont think on that alone it makes the UK better than Canada, having lived there all my life in the Midlands believe me Canada is a paradise compared to there. :)
  11. MandyUK

    Canada vs. UK??

    lmao thanks, yeah ur right *Burp* scuse u ;D
  12. MandyUK

    Canada vs. UK??

    Sorry I have to disagree on this one from experience, me and my Canadian hubby had been married 2 years when he came to the UK to live with me and it took a total of 14 months to get his residency sorted out, luckly he managed to come as a visitor for a while it took a longer time than it did...
  13. MandyUK

    Canada vs. UK??

    Just cause Im british doesnt mean I drink tea...*sip* :D
  14. MandyUK

    Canada vs. UK??

    I used to drink the Rose tea, but found English breakfast tea bags and they make a great cuppa, I used to drink PG tips before that back home. ;D
  15. MandyUK

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    well at least it will give u time to organise everything and go do a few things before you leave, its suprising the amount of places and things you want to go to or do once you know ur leaving ;D
  16. MandyUK

    Canada vs. UK??

    I buy marmite from sainsburys and also my branston pickle ;D
  17. MandyUK

    Canada vs. UK??

    I found this website that does comparisions to differnt countries, might help http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_countries_result.jsp?country1=Canada&country2=United+Kingdom
  18. MandyUK

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Congratulations Daises and British_bulldog Im so happy for you both, its been a very long time coming, well done!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  19. MandyUK

    Ok to sponsor my common law spouse if I am currently unemloyed?

    You can have the medicals done at anytime before you send in your application, they then send the results to the VO you have put on your form, in your case Sydney. these will then stay there until your sponsorship has been approved and the application sent to the VO, they then marry up the...
  20. MandyUK

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    whoohoo gratz ;D