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Search results

  1. seeak

    When to apply for job in Canada? BEFORE or AFTER receiving PR card?

    If you already have the PR card, the more chances you get... Actually If you are outland it's kinda difficult to find a job, that's because in most of the cases enterprises ask for a work permit before they can hire you. However you can apply whenever you can. ;) Best of luck :)
  2. seeak

    IELTS 29th July

    Great score ;) Any tips for writing? smart words, typing... What was your exam about?
  3. seeak

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Hi there! I'm not from Brazil, however I'd like to know if the university that issued your certificate, also sent the envelope sealed to WES ¿? Obrigado ;)
  4. seeak

    IELTS SEP 09 2017 British Council

    I'm form Mexico and you? Btw If you are interested, I've been searching through the forum some tips http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/threads/ielts-tips-and-tricks-ielts-writing-tips.53892/#post-470722...
  5. seeak

    IELTS SEP 09 2017 British Council

    I'll be taking IELTS on Sept. 9th. too I'm practicing online at http://ieltsonlinetests.com/ http://ieltsliz.com/ http://www.ieltsbuddy.com/ Ryan youtube vids Any suggestions for improve writing and speaking skills?
  6. seeak


    Hola a todos por aqui. Alguien podría decirme donde hicieron sus traducciones y que leyenda/documentos incluyen? es decir, si el traductor certificado emite algún papel donde se establece que fue legal. En alguna página de internet, no recuerdo si fue en CIC, encontré un listado de traductores...
  7. seeak

    Applicants from Mexico with ITA

    Cool, I'm glad your process is going on! I haven't created my EE profile yet. I'll be taking IELTS on sept. 9th., and the forthcoming week I'm about to send my docs to WES...Dunno if you did this process?!?! For now, my CRS is 406 aprox. so I need a great result on IELTS to get CRS 456...
  8. seeak

    Applicants from Mexico with ITA

    Hi, I've reading this forum for a while and seems like there are more mexicans at CEC program (antecedentes penales topic). I'm from Mexico but no ITA yet. How's your experience going? when did u get the ITA?
  9. seeak

    IELTS general - practice tips...

    Hi Hi lino, I've been searching through the internet tips for iealts exam and i've found this forum is very helpful... Do you think ielts was difficult? I could understand you don't needed a course for improve your skills as you practice by yourself. Congrats on the ITA btw :)
  10. seeak

    Ray of Hope 68th Draw

    Your CRS is great, you should wait for the direct ITA within the next 2 or 3 draws ;)
  11. seeak


    Ok, gracias de nuevo :)
  12. seeak


    Gracias @HOPE :) recuerdas si a tu sobre le pusiste sello de la universidad?
  13. seeak


    Hola a tod@s, alguien me puede guiar con el envío al WES, por favor? He leído que los documentos son: traducciones, copias certificadas por la universidad y SEGOB (título y certificado total de estudios), así como el formato del WES. Uno de los sobres se envía en nombre de la universidad, el...
  14. seeak

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Yes, It is!! I'm constantly in touch with archaeological, historical and artistic monuments, as Mexico is one of the most culturally richest country in Latin America (nearly 190 open public archaeological zones, 125,000 historic monuments and 2000 artistic monuments) so, this job has showed me...
  15. seeak

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Thanks for your response... If I apply with NOC 2151 (bachelors) I could get points for my masters even if is not the same NOC code?
  16. seeak

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Hi there, love to read this thread and see the enthusiasm of most of you guys :) Can you help me please? I have a bachelor in architecture (NOC 2151) and a master degree in conservation and restoration of historic buildings, however I'm not sure what the NOC is architectural standards...
  17. seeak

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    I see you got great IELTS results. Are you a native speaker?
  18. seeak

    IELTS general or academic for Express entry?

    You have to do the General IELTS Take a look for the score http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/language.asp
  19. seeak

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Thanks for your response canada_dreamer...I thought it was way easier to get those 600 points...