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  1. C

    Worth Reading...

    Well, I actually agree with it. And it's because too many people are taking advantage of the system. Many countries have even longer waits, and limit numbers even more. I know that people want to be with their families and want a better life. I don't blame them for trying to help out their...
  2. C

    Question for Vienna Office applicants

    If your application was filed in June, it is still early to expect anything. We filed in February and passport request wasn't until September. Background checks take a long time. However, it wouldn't hurt to email the office and find out how things are going. My husband did this and they...
  3. C


    There was someone else whose file was lost in Vienna. Who was that? My memory fails me today. I think she had to reapply and then they approved her in 2 months. Anyway, maybe she could offer some advice.
  4. C


    There have been changes and I know it takes longer than it used to. Three to four months I believe. Even a criminal record check for a job takes longer now.
  5. C

    work permit.. very important...

    Well, it's a public forum and I have the right to agree or disagree. And I feel it's everyone's duty to report people who we feel are abusing the system. But, I haven't reported you at all. I just don't believe you. There are other people that come on this forum who think they are above the...
  6. C

    work permit.. very important...

    However, he asked the same question about his friend that he asked about himself. I don't care, I think it sounds fishy. I really have a hard time believing Frank has the exact same situation as his friend.
  7. C


    Getting married in Quebec is a bit different too. Well, it used to be.
  8. C

    Top 3 current favourite TV series to past time

    1. Breaking Bad (my husband watches it too so we compare thoughts) 2. Battle of the Blades 3. CFL Football! (Go Lions!)
  9. C

    work permit.. very important...

    Darn, I missed that one. Let's report him next time then. Seriously, we shouldn't be giving advice to anyone like this.
  10. C

    landing vancouver

    Do you have your passport with your visa? They sent the letter (paperwork to give customs) along with the passport for us.
  11. C

    Paying fees for application

    You can pay it. I did that.
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    It goes well. Only 3 weeks now! I am busy cleaning out my closets to make room for my husband's stuff. I've also made reservations for our wedding anniversary in December. It's so fun being able to make plans now. Anyway word for you?
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    Don't stress about it! Follow what your heart tells you. You have a lot of options, you're lucky!
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    If you got a working holiday visa you could work at a ski hill!
  15. C


    Oh, Quebec City is the best! I lived there for a couple of years. Maybe you could get a job at a ski hill.
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    Where does your boyfriend live in Quebec?
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    It's now called International Experience Canada, and Slovenia is part of the agreement. Might be something to consider. http://www.international.gc.ca/experience/intro_incoming-intro_entrant.aspx?lang=eng&view=d
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    You can do it without getting married, it will just take longer.
  19. C


    Do you want to get married? My husband came here on a tourist visa and we got married in December 2010. He went back home and we filed the papers and now he's coming in a few weeks for good! It will be much faster for you as a woman because you didn't have military service. And it's much...
  20. C

    work permit.. very important...

    What was that movie with that line..."Be afraid, be very afraid" ?