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  1. S


    bobbi, yeah you might as well do that. For sure will get more information. Hubby and i are both in bosnia. I have been here since 2010 we are doing paper work all from here. We recieved email to send his passport to Vienna to stamp visa but we were supposed to send from IOM in sarajevo and im...
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    bobbi, hi. you are better off looking on austria-serbia relations and see what they say. I know that once your 90 days is up in EU you have to go back home for another 90 in order to be able to legally travel back and fourth. Maybe Vienna can mail him his PR visa? Where does he live in...
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    Passport came back empty......

    hi gost. no actually we only send the passport by itself, which now i see is kinda dumb. We only included address and phone number.
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    Passport came back empty......

    Hi, update: my husband and i talked and decided that we would go to Vienna directly and speak to them. If they want the passport for a visa (to stamp) it can they do it the same day when we come in, or within day or two? pls if anyone knows, id appreciate help
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    hi everyone, im also going through Vienna. I'm sponsoring my husband whos a citizen of Bosnia and Hercegovina. We just got a req for his passport which unfortunetly came back empty with no visa, possible misunderstanding.. Does anyone else think that Vienna is so slow with replying to emails? I...
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    totally stuck

    hi, well, it seems to me that you did everything properly and rather quickly....i guess now you wait and see what they will ask next....I hope the process goes as quick as possible...
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    Passport came back empty......

    hello, deffinetly will send the passport back to them along with the email and maybe write a few words since it seems like nobody answers emails...or it takes them so longggg to answer ugh.
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    Passport came back empty......

    missminni, hello my husbands passport is vaild til 2015...he just got it 2yrs ago...thats the one we applied with in the begining, mine is as well til 2015 issued by canada...medical's were expired (first one we did in august '10) that expired, got mail asking to renew,did that in Feb, went to...
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    Passport came back empty......

    if anyone else has a similar situation as we, please do share it with me and others....id love to hear the outcome! The embassies may be too busy and in rush before vacations and lots of confusions happen right?
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    Passport came back empty......

    OhCanadiana Thank you so much...i have emailed them, forwarded all the info, and im waiting now....I deffinetly will mail the passport again along with the print out of the email they send and all that important stuff...
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    Passport came back empty......

    this is the email we got in may 9th Dear Mr. T, This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. In order to complete the processing of your application you must: provide this office with passport for you in order that immigrant visa may be affixed in the passport. There...
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    Passport came back empty......

    im honestly scared that we're rejected :(
  13. S

    Passport came back empty......

    guys, thanks alot. I dont think we're from the visa exempt country.. we're not even in european union yet....How do i know which countries are from visa exempt? No we didnt get any other papers with the passport, that i honestly assumed that we either should've icluded the email in hard copy...
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    Passport came back empty......

    i cant believe so many people read this and view topic but nobody can help :-[
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    Passport came back empty......

    Hi everyone, so glad i came across this forum.... I'd like to share my story and ask a question and hope someone can help me out or give me some advice..... So, Spousal sponsorship for my husband, I am a Canadian citizen and also Bosnian as well. I moved back to Bosnia and stayed here we...