Really? I knew that the number of Indian applicants was high, but is it really that high? Let's say that you combined the Pakistani and the UAE applicants, what would the ratio be between that and India (Number of Pakistani + UAE applicants: Indian Applicants)? Would that also be as low as 1 to 10?
I don't really know if that's true dude .... so many Indians are getting AIP whereas so few people from other countries are getting it. Probably because the Indian Embassy is actually working hard to process as many apps as they can whereas no human in existence can even fathom what the people...
Only one person from Pakistan got their AIP whereas it seems as though people from so many countries are getting it. Entire threads full of people receiving AIP's in India, Nigeria, and Philippines ..... What is the UAE office even planning to do at this point? I also saw some thread that they...
Yeah .... I know that that's true. I made another post on this forum a while ago saying that IRCC's actions are not matching their words, and this is a clear example of that. I just wish that they make the process simpler and start giving out final decisions soon.
Once again, that policy only applies to Indian students, because their VAC's are closed. If VAC's are closed, all applications go through AIP route, but if they are open, complete applications should be getting full decisions, not AIP's.
I would not recommend doing so. While the webinar can provide useful info, please do not extrapolate the information in those webinars to yourself, because your application isn't being processed in the Indian office. From what I have noticed, the Abu Dhabi office is very different. They are so...
How does this make any sense ... if the biometrics and medicals are done, then the application is complete. If the application is complete then the applicant should get a final decision (because the VAC's in Pakistan are open, so complete applications should get final decisions)
Same. Although I applied much later, in July, the amount of people still waiting since Feb/March, scares me ..... I really hope they make good on their promise to process applications before the start of the Fall term
The VAC office in Pakistan is not supposed to say anything .... I only mentioned it because when the VAC office is opened, applicants should be getting full decisions instead of AIP's .... and noone has gotten a full decision yet
Why has there been so little contact from the UAE office? Only one person from Pakistan received their AIP and noone else, either from Pakistan or UAE received either the AIP, or the final decision, even though VAC's are open in Pakistan (so complete applications should be getting final...
I'm also still waiting ..... does anyone know which countries' applications are processed in the UAE office .... I know that Pakistani and UAE's applications are processed there but which other countries' applications are also processed there? Hoping we all get it soon as Indian office has...
Yeah ..... if they don't process our applications, we are the only ones who will be disadvantaged .... their global reputation has very little to do with this.