Hi Victor, I think you can update all important info. to first floor by timeline, I believe many people have insufficient time to read all pages and floors, that will be very informative and helpful to others and appreciated as well. just a suggestion.
Hi guys,
My baby was born in last month, so far I am getting him registered and applying for Birth Certificate. I am wondering if I update this info with CIC, will it slow down my application or speed up? I just get AOR.
Hi guys,
I am working in Canada now , and we are gonna submit our package to CIC tomorrow. Our new baby will come to this world in July. I think he should have the CA citizenship after the birth according to current birthright act, does that mean I don't have to add him in my application?
Thanks for your infor, it's still shorter than either way. BTW, did you know their id in this website, I might tracking their timeline so that I would have a common sense how long I would take for the whole process?
"So What Do We Think We Know about Express Entry?
1. No more “first in first out” processing – candidates will be given an ITA if the government feels they will be the most likely to succeed economically. This translates into only candidates with an approved job offer (in most cases, an...