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  1. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    as if I care LOL..no one needs ur attention :P
  2. M

    is it illegal??

    http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/faq/study/index.asp check to answer to the 13th question under the study permit title.This is the official canadian website.If you are going to change from UG to PG then yes you have to notify them for modification of study permit though there are no...
  3. M

    is it illegal??

    See, waiting for a offer letter now if you are applying for Jan 2012 intake is a total waste.The latter u apply, more are chances of negative resutls.Though keep in mind that the change of course is not in your hands only, the seats must also be vacant in whichever college and program you want...
  4. M

    is it illegal??

    No..not at all..don't wrry :)
  5. M

    is it illegal??

    Well no its not illegal. You can change ur college and even ur course whenever u want.Though u need to notify the immigration department if there is a change in your course duration.
  6. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    Well now dats an answer...thnxx royalsting :)
  7. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    I guess the question was 'what is the condition of cash jobs in brampton' not 'why it is getting harder to get canadian student permit'...know the answer to dat...well and good.If not, then STFU !!!!!
  8. M

    Sheridan January 2012 Davis Campus anyone ? :)

    All those who have applied for Sheridan college in January 2012 intake having davis campus ? Kindly reply :)
  9. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    Well dat depends on your chosen college and particularly on your chosen course's curriculum.In my case I have 2 study terms all together i.e. from Jan to April and May to Sept.My holidays are going to be from sept to jan.And if you have a study term mid way i.e. from may to sept, then yes it is...
  10. M

    got offer letter from GBC...whts next ??please reply

    Hey Jyoti The next steps include deposist of your first semester fee,medical, sanction of loan from bank.The last date to apply is 15th December but the embassy strongly recommends till 1st December as later it increases the chances of negative reply.Also keep in mind the embassy is closed for...
  11. M

    Wud appreciate some help :) 47 views nd 1 reply ?..dats bad !!

    Also I am talking about earning from a Co Op work term nt from 20 hrs a week permit..keep that in mind !
  12. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    anyone else ?
  13. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    First of all I am nt using the loan so there is no point in paying back the interest or even the principal amount.I wud rather say even u guys are ryt at ur point of views,but the thing is u have to weigh ur options.Taking risk and working illegally or rather sleep on a foothpath and die in the...
  14. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    See dude we know there is a risk.You might belong to a wealthy family dats y u are nt worried about these things.But all those belonging to middle class families can only expect their parents to pay triple the amount of fee ,i mean the fee charged from international students but can't expect...
  15. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    y does a web designer need a part time job now hmm ?..lol
  16. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    thnxx a lot AP1510 ..u made my day by saying dat.Actually i am a punjabi so no problem abt punjabi.And are there any special requirements like I heard dat some employers require u to have a sin no. or any other requirements like that ? :)
  17. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    What are the chances of getting a cash job in brampton and what is the average pay ?..thnxx in advance :)
  18. M

    Wud appreciate some help :) 47 views nd 1 reply ?..dats bad !!

    anyone else..specially anyone who is already spent 1-2 years in canada and doing a co op program..thnxx !