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  1. M

    Sheridan January 2012 Davis Campus anyone ? :)

    Not yet.My education loan is left, I will try to apply before 20th November. What about u ?...U coming to sheridan too ?..If yes what course and have you filed for ur visa ?
  2. M

    Need SOPs ....thnxx a lot in advance :)

    Hey frnds..I need some sample SOP..Wud be very grateful if you help me. My email id is deematharu@hotmail.co.in Thnxx in advance :) :)
  3. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    Hey rhasan, can you give a bit more detail like what is included in this garage work like welding or something else ?..I have still got a month to go probably I can learn some basics :D
  4. M

    who all are gng for jan 2012 intake?

    inbox me ur no. We will talk on phone gotta few things to ask !
  5. M

    who all are gng for jan 2012 intake?

    Kewl even they are gud !
  6. M

    who all are gng for jan 2012 intake?

    I have filed from world wide immigration services...lol actually this thread let me post their abbreviation so take the first letter of each world and u will get their name ?..u ?
  7. M

    who all are gng for jan 2012 intake?

    Well very nice idea.I am going to sheridan for Computer Engineering Technology 3 years (co op) and belong to Jalandhar .
  8. M

    hey guyz in need of some info.reply plz :)

    Thnxx a lot mate :)..You relieved me :)..God bless u !!
  9. M

    hey guyz in need of some info.reply plz :)

    well thnxx a lot, I am just scared of their reason " you are not well established...bla bla bla ". I have got my dad's ITRs but we just made them up in order to get the loan sanctioned from the bank.My dad didn't file the last 3 years ITRs.But due to the fact that we were filling late returns...
  10. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    Yes, i heard assignments and stuff...they don't leave any spare time. thnxx for the advice :)..appreciate it !
  11. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    Sure dude..thnxx :)
  12. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    We weren't fighting, dat is called ''debating'' ;) :D...lol !
  13. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    Thnxx a lot, the info was qyt useful.Though i didn't get ur last point.As i will be starting in Jan 2012, wud i be able to apply for a off campus till june 2012 or I wud wait till the end of year i.e Jan 2013.As i will have two semesters in a year each of 4 months, though I have no idea that my...
  14. M

    hey guyz in need of some info.reply plz :)

    Well I have the same query that has kept me awake last few nights. I have got a loan of 9 lakhs sanctioned and have paid my fee from my savings. Is there any need to show bank statement or Liquid money in form of FDR's or ITR returns or Evaluation of property. I have got frnds who applied...
  15. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    Kewl !!....gr8 university and gr8 future ahead :)
  16. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    Yea man thnxx..Will surely be in touch :)..btw which college/university u are in ?
  17. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    Yea kindly plzz...someone share his/ her personal experience regarding on campus jobs.It will relieve us .Nd apologies man, I meant no offense just wanted to get an idea of the ways of survival !
  18. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    Moreover on campus jobs are very very very hard to get.As u have around 15000 students competing for the same job !
  19. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    The thing is nt about spp or non spp. this is the list of institutions whose enrolled students are eligible to apply for an off campus work permit http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/institutions/participants.asp check out yours ! Also, at least have a backup for at least 5-6 months if not 8...
  20. M

    Condition of cash jobs in Brampton !

    Well yes acc. to CIC rules you can't work for the first six months of ur study.After that u can apply for an off campus work permit.Which further takes 2 months.So a total of 8 months.Even i am nt from a wealthy family dats y I posted this to get idea how can we survive.Also I have a friend of...