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  1. SMani

    Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program - Job offer - Employers

    I am interested in getting a job offer from an employer from the Atlantic canada region , But I am unable to get a list of employers who are eligible to do so. Any idea how to identify them.
  2. SMani

    Those who got mail from SINP program integrity unit and waiting network here!

    For me to qualify.. 60 points includes 15 full points for experience.. I was told that few months short will not be taken into account
  3. SMani

    Those who got mail from SINP program integrity unit and waiting network here!

    I need 10 years full exp to qualify.. I was short by 5 months
  4. SMani

    Proof Of Funds - House Value as Asset

    What can I declare as a Proof of Funds ? Acceptable proof of funds are: bank accounts in your name or the name of your accompanying spouse/common-law partner; cash-able investments in your name or the name of your accompanying spouse/common-law partner; cash-able fixed deposits in your name of...
  5. SMani

    Name mismatch in Passport and Educational Documents

    Your certificate will have your Fathers name... as a column ?
  6. SMani

    Name mismatch in Passport and Educational Documents

    If your school transfer certificate or Birth certificate says your fathers name is Cherukutty then there is no issues
  7. SMani

    Tips to apply for USA visa from Canada

    You have uncles in USA.. They could find better answers to your problems
  8. SMani

    unable to divorce/non-accompanying spouse on application

    If you can get your marriage annulled easily then do the needful before you start the process.. If your marriage is in a third world country then no one knows or cares https://www.wikihow.com/Annul-a-Marriage-in-California
  9. SMani

    unable to divorce/non-accompanying spouse on application

    How old are you. your qualifications.. your work experience.. do you have your spouse name in your passport or other records Do you really need to show that you are married
  10. SMani

    Tips to apply for USA visa from Canada

    Give us your history of the previous application.. You have to give consistent details.
  11. SMani

    Question on Landing

    You obviously need the paper work of USA H1 to return into US You need the address where the PR card is sent.. Even if its a friend's
  12. SMani

    Name on Driving License is different from that on Passport

    try to spend money and get it to match your passport It will help you once you land. also get a driving license extract too
  13. SMani

    If someone has travelled more, will his security check take longer time to complete?

    Unless you have issues with your travel.. Like over stay your visa. deportation etc violations of visa requirements
  14. SMani

    living cost in saskatchewan saskatoon

    If you want a single bedroom apt for yourself you will be spending 1500 a month including all other expenses
  15. SMani

    Those who got mail from SINP program integrity unit and waiting network here!

    You should have been careful earlier and should have withdrawn your application.. Now you have to satisfy the SINP investigator
  16. SMani

    Those who got mail from SINP program integrity unit and waiting network here!

    It may take many months and lots of emails to know the status of your file if its under PILU investigation.. They have lots of cases and under staffed.. These are forensic guys who look for fraudsters, My application went to PILU in Dec 2016 got letter from them in March 2017, another letter...
  17. SMani

    SINP - Received ADR

    I have only Marriage certificate which contains both parents name.. Educational docs have only father's name
  18. SMani

    SINP - Received ADR

    Sinp requested me to send wife's birth certificate after 10 months in process.. I am sure I uploaded it..An affidavit from my Father In Law that she did not have a birth certificate.. How do I verify my Oasis account about this upload.. Pls help Urgent
  19. SMani

    SINP OID Certificate
