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  1. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    Pas probleme :) No stress ;)
  2. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    TBH, I am not a 100% sure about it, but I believe if only primary applicant signs it will be ok,because you are mentioning the dependents in the Annex already
  3. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    Here is how it looks like: TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED WITH YOUR DOCUMENTS I agree that the permanent resident visa will be affixed to my passport and dependents’ passports, if applicable. My Permanent Resident visa and/or confirmation of permanent residence will be mailed to the...
  4. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    Hmm that's very strange you didnt get it. Are you sure? Its at the bottom of your ppr e-mail. It's a table, where you have to write your name, phone number and the address to where the passport has to be mailed back, as well as your signature. I'd suggest you email Ottawa or call CIC asap and...
  5. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    Hey! No, initially I had Additional Docs - Not needed, then I got a RPRF request, paid it and it changed to Additional Docs - Being reviewed and still remains like that, even after I sent my passport to them Don't worry about it changing. If you received a RPRF request, you are almost on a...
  6. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    Oh, you have to wait for them to send it back to you, before you sign up for an interview, because they will need the number of your COPR. I sent mine on Monday (September 18) and still waiting. Ideally I am hoping to get it by October 7... TBH, i wouldn't rely on immitracker that much...
  7. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    No problem! Can you share how many days it took to get your stamped passport back?
  8. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    Hey! You have to call CIC and they will forward your call to the local office where they will sign you up. if you are an inland,call 1 888 242 2100 and wait to speak to an agent
  9. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    The fastest option is to go to the nearest port of entry and complete the landing there. You can also sign up for landing at the local CIC office, however the waiting time is around 3 weeks.
  10. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    Hey, you can just send them: "Dear SIr/Madam. I would like to find out the current status on my application. Name: File number: Date of birth: Unique Client Identifier (UCI): Thank you, -- Personal suggestion, DO NOT contact them. The reasons for this are: 1. Your timeline looks...
  11. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    I wouldn't worry too much about it, maybe they haven't updated it yet, or a system glitch. I've seen people get Medicals passed 2-3 days before PPR. You can always call them and ask about it, but personally I don't think there is anything to worry about.
  12. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    Yes, you just have to raise a CSE https://secure.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-renseignements/canada-case-cas-eng.aspx and ask them to re-route the ppr requests to you and your spouse separately, saying that he resides in the US (give his addess) and you live in Canada. Then they most def will not change...
  13. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    Hey, sorry to hear about your refusal. I'd suggest you re-apply. Your application was rejected because you didn't meet the following requirements: 87.1 (1) For the purposes of subsection 12(2) of the Act, the Canadian experience class is prescribed as a class of persons who may become...
  14. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    @MayAORWaiting Yes, you can send them separately or change the Visa office. You have to raise a CSE (Case Specific Enquiry) and ask them to re-route the passport requests to other local visa offices, depending on your location.
  15. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    CONGRATS! Welcome to the club :))
  16. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    Thank you!!! It feels soo surreal!! Got it in the morning, and now its 7 pm, and I still can't believe it!! Wishing you a quick PPR :)
  17. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    If you are an inland applicant, your file most likely was at Sydney first, then moved to Ottawa. If you are an outland, Ottawa might be your initial office, and later your file will be moved to a local visa office in your country of residence.
  18. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    Usually, Ottawa finalizes the applications. However, there is always a chance they might send your file to Etobicoke for further investigation (if you are an inland applicant).
  19. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    @Singh32145 @MayAORWaiting @srujju Thank you guys!! The wait is mentally exhausting, but hang in there, IT'S COMING!!! :) Getting a PR is a huge milestone in each of our lives, so just "enjoy" the historical moment! Once you get a PR you will never ever will wait for one again, because you...
  20. IrenaIrena

    May AOR 2017 - Join here.

    Thank you :) You can see it in my saignature. May 23 you can get it anytime basically :)