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  1. R151NG5UN

    Ecas Application Tracker

    I really don't think this thing is of any use anymore. I went in process about 11 days ago and this thing did not update anything. I guess the guy who invented it, un-invented it lol.
  2. R151NG5UN

    Give up PR, reapply later under Family Class

    Yes your Spouse can sponsor you. However CIC officials are certainly not going to look very kindly on the fact you have not showed any willing to live, work and pay taxes in Canada. You said the only day you lived in Canada was the day you landed, you returned home so you could work. They will...
  3. R151NG5UN

    Ecas update

    Lol yes I did as well without thinking in my 1st post lol. :D
  4. R151NG5UN

    Ecas update

    Sorry just to ask you 1 question, DM for 1st stage or 2nd stage? If it is 1st stage it only means the sponsor is approved. If it is DM for 2nd stage then it should mean visa is granted. I guess only reason DM would occur and it not be positive is if the applicant or sponsor depending on what...
  5. R151NG5UN

    Ecas update

    It should mean visa is granted. If they wanted more information they would have contacted you. Congrats :D
  6. R151NG5UN

    Standard application or complicated? Opinions!

    Hey, With regards to your medical like Tink mentioned you should really do it before sending your application but as close to postal sate as possible. Are you applying inland or outland? If your applying outland 12 months should be suffice given the fact you can be granted an extension if you...
  7. R151NG5UN

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Lol that is 1 is funny too. I dont get it though, IF you did think it was CIC, they do specify to include Client I.D, D.O.B, Sponsors I.D and D.O.B and if you wish address details. These guys are sending random E-mails/ messages without including any personal information. How is a CIC official...
  8. R151NG5UN

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    Congrats AnaMaria. Fingers crossed for you. :D
  9. R151NG5UN


    Hey Chopsticks, I don't think many of us, if any were questioning the relationship. I just think most were advising what to expect and potential red flags. Your 22 and your hubby is 29. Although your mum may think he is too old, 7 years age difference is not very much at all. I think most...
  10. R151NG5UN

    CIC to launch new look website

    Just saw this on the CIC website, does anybody know much about it. I sometimes struggle to find the exact information I require. Hopefully this 1 may be more user friendly. "Coming soon—a fresh new look! We're almost ready to launch a new look and feel for the CIC website. The changes will...
  11. R151NG5UN

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Yeah it is nice to have some funnies on what can be a very serious and frustrating site despite how informative it is. :D
  12. R151NG5UN

    Is this legit family permit ?

    Blah blah, well expect a long long waiting time and with any luck any self respecting immigration official will be all over you like a rash :P
  13. R151NG5UN

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Hey Kaede, I wrote to them about 9 or 10 days ago specifically saying I will be in Canada as of December 12th for 16 weeks (the 16 weeks was a little white lie) I intended to wait out the whole process. They E-mailed me a couple of times to clarify and then Tuesday AM I guess the senior...
  14. R151NG5UN

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Yeah I am Lauren, cant wait. Still holding off on booking the flights until my COPR shows up early next week hopefully. I am homeless on the 13th anyway so point of no return even if the COPR is not here lol. I am so excited, bet you are also. If I am to ship stuff I have to have the COPR by...
  15. R151NG5UN

    Sponsor approval in 6 days!!!

    Wow congrats, 6 days is fastest I have ever heard off. At least you can have a nice Christmas and not have to worry about stage 2 until the new year. Congrats again!! :D
  16. R151NG5UN

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Congrats LaurenHannah and hope your processing is super fast. It looks like CIC might be heading in to August's received application now. Hopefully Johare, yours will also go "in process" or even better straight "DM" Wishing you guys the best of luck and hope it is done for Xmas. :D
  17. R151NG5UN

    done waiting.

    You can certainly look in to legal proceedings. However given that the VO is Ottawa I am not sure exactly how you would stand with that specific VO. They are now posting 12 months, has your file been in 2nd stage over 12 months? At that point you can consult a lawyer and ask about mandamus. From...
  18. R151NG5UN


    I think the fact he signed up with a new user name (probably not his real 1) made 2 posts and has not responded to any comments whatsoever tells you all you need to know.
  19. R151NG5UN

    Your First Winter - Just for Laughs!!

    Ha ha ha. You should come try London to do 8km in 1hr 15 in the summer would be quite the achievement let alone winter. Traffic in Canada is a dream to anybody who lives anywhere near to London :P