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  1. Yuvraj Singh

    IELTS British Council- 28th october

    It was fine, reading I found a bit tough....in speaking it was coincidence that few questions were repeated from my last test (held on 19.08.17). Overall it was fine. Let us see the result on Nov 3.
  2. Yuvraj Singh

    How I got three job offers while being outside Canada

    Hi I tried transferwise, but unfortunately it cannot send the money from india to canada. I am already using paypal but I feel it is too expensive..I wish to send a few CAD to my brother (whos on study visa there).....if you can provide an alternative
  3. Yuvraj Singh

    October 18th 2017 Post-ITA

    You can apply via psk through www.passportindia.gov.in through online. It will be issued within time. Also you need to get meds done too.
  4. Yuvraj Singh

    IELTS British Council- 28th october

    About listening part, do this from Cambridge book, it is indeed a good book, and ofcourse the book you get from ur center IDP/BC
  5. Yuvraj Singh

    IELTS British Council- 28th october

    T/F/NG is a tricky thing in reading.....just read the question and check whether anything is given according to the question or not....if the information given is matching with the question, it is True, but if it contradicts the question, it is false. And if there is slightest of information...
  6. Yuvraj Singh

    IELTS British Council- 28th october

    I am appearing from India. Gurgaon to be precise.
  7. Yuvraj Singh

    IELTS British Council- 28th october

    Do not panic during exam, calmness is the key. the format will be LRW followed by Speaking (before or after LRW)...practice as much as you can.....use Cambridge books (general tests) and IELTS on track for practice.....check on ieltsviz.com, I have heard that it is a good site for...
  8. Yuvraj Singh

    ppl who missed oinp registration on july 25 2017

    Writing....anyways I am appearing for test next week ....but i have seen score changes for many...lets see
  9. Yuvraj Singh

    CFA designation

    If you have the charter then you may raise a query with CIC about this or try any other ECA evaluator (other than WES) you might strike chance.
  10. Yuvraj Singh

    ppl who missed oinp registration on july 25 2017

    Hey i am too waiting for PNP to open.....but the thing is i have given IELTS result for revaluation....so might not apply...pls help
  11. Yuvraj Singh

    IELTS British Council- 28th october

    Hi,i am reappearing on 14 october. Best of luck guys.
  12. Yuvraj Singh

    Nova Scotia Demand EE stream - 2017 intake join here

    Pls add me too +919899777093...thanks :)
  13. Yuvraj Singh

    Ray of Hope - 72nd Draw

    Hi Harman, the modules are quite heavy, approx 900 MB, won't fit either in mail or in cloud drive.
  14. Yuvraj Singh

    How does WES evaluate CA Inter from India?

    There will be another envelope in it if you feel it. That is the sealed one(white)
  15. Yuvraj Singh

    How does WES evaluate CA Inter from India?

    You can approach via online application(there is separate site for that by icai) and payment of fees, send a copy of your marksheet (signed) and u will receive ur transcript from them. For more clarification, contact icai for it
  16. Yuvraj Singh

    How does WES evaluate CA Inter from India?

    Since articleship is a part of our CA education, it cannot be counted as work ex.
  17. Yuvraj Singh

    How does WES evaluate CA Inter from India?

    Eca counts b. Com and CA(completed) each as grad degree, however I am awaiting my eca report, so you must consider according to that...however cic will go with the wes evaluation of ur degree.
  18. Yuvraj Singh

    How does WES evaluate CA Inter from India?

    No the transcripts are to be sent as it is, don't open the sealed envelope.
  19. Yuvraj Singh

    Need Help with WES Transcript Issue India

    If you check wes website there is a form for request of issue of transcripts, you can submit it with your application, hope it might work. Res
  20. Yuvraj Singh

    Thank you >>>>>>>>> Legalfalcon <<<<<<<<<<<

    Thanks sir, I checked my score and found out that with two different noc codes my total experience is 3+ yrs and the total tally jumps to 410 with this since one noc requires a professional degree and other requires graduation, and I happen to qualify both... But th e professional degree is...