Hi guys Glory be to God. My January 3rd 2016 OID application has changed in to in process and my funds got converted on the 20th of April. Good luck to all who are waiting. It will come topass.
Hello friends my January 3rd 2016 kid application has changed to in process and my funds were converted On the 20th April yesterday. Good luck to all those expecting change in status
Good evening Char an. I received the sample of the letter I requested for.
Thanks a lot. God bless you for your unflinching support.
May all your effort so be crown with success.
welldone Charan and Muneer.Good job. Am proud of you both. Though am not from India i would like to have a sample of the letter you sent to SINP if you dont mind. Here is my email add a_portia2000@yahoo.com. It may help people from my country as well.
Hello Mapleback,
I read from a post you replied to that retirement savings plan can be used as proof of funds if the funds are transferable and available to you at the time that you are to leave your home country.
Over here in our country a lot of people used Pension fund as proof of funds and...
God will not abandon those of us who are not eligible for ee. Be hopeful even if you are seeing otherwise. OID for 2016 will be better than 2015. It is well
you are just too much God bless you real good.Can we just upload all our documents by 1st Jan 2016 so that we can just submit the moment it opens?
cant wait for jan 2016. we shall all make it and not miss it. remember proper planning prevents poor performance lets ask questions and learn from our seniors who have gone ahead of us
all the best to us all and also to our seniors who are guiding us.
Hi please which information is required for additional family information ? Thanks.
And also where do I attach my spouse and Dependents passports and birth certificates? And also am trying to upload my birth certificate to my application bug it tells me that the file is too big. How do I reduce...
Am interested in IT market in Saskatchewan .please can I have your email add so that I can inbox you my cv. Am planning to apply for the SINP -OID by next year am am also searching for jobs online. My NOC code is 2171
Hi guys,
Please I need assistance on how to fill the financial evaluation form.what is the difference between current and previous undertakings?Also under Financial Requierment what is the minimum necessary income and Total income available to sponsor?
Thank you very much for the information you shared for 2016. I can't wait to hit my bottun on 2nd January 2016.
You are too much.
Thanks once again. May God let our dreams come True. See you next year at Saskatoon