This is a great contradiction! how come they send you the original documents and at the same time ask for more info!!
If they sent you your documents they should have included the refund cheque as well,,,,,,so strange
I plan to apply in May 2013. I am a university lecturer in ancient history. My profession falls therefor in the non regulated category,,,,,,,,do you think my PHD needs an assessment before application? or do people only in regulated occupations like doctors need E.A?
I see that this thread has turned to a deposit for the members frustrations and depressions. You are all attacking each other like kids,,,,,,,grow up and take a mature look to your past posts,,,,,they do not have a tiny bit of info in them. Why should other members go through pages of none sense...
I am really astonished to see that people are making a whole lots of fuss about their e cas,,,,,,,,have not you learned now by heart that it makes no difference at all because we already know what CIC wants to do?
CIC has eliminated your applications people,,,,what difference does it make now...
your application was rejected like most pre 2008 applicants. There is no doubt about that.
strange thing that you went through medicals in 2008 and till JUne 2012 when the law was imposed no passport request came!!
4 years after medical is a new record ,,,,,I have never heard of that
Tim had a series of new litigation he wanted to file by the beginning of January (3 as I remember). He has been silent for a long time now and I do not know whether he took any steps after his happy new year e mail?
He said no where that the judgment is to come on 25th !! on contrary he said we expect meaningful reasons for weeks and perhaps months to come!!!!
ON THE 2TH THE CIC will only present a reply on a certified question
I am glad that the anti-lawsuit party has moved forward now to discuss the possibility of appeal, giving up obviously to the possibility of a positive ruling for the pre 2008 applicants. I remember that they considered such a ruling impossible a couple of pages ago,,,,,,
yes but please also note:Permanent Residents applications will stay in CAS for 180 days after the applicant has landed.
your applications bearly stayed 21 after DM;;;;;;maybe vecause DM was refusal not acceptance
My e cas is working normally, still in process. My guess is that all DM cases are deleted from the system after a certain length of time. Probably the info was removed from the database. Strangely CIC promised to keep the files for 2 years. But maybe they will keep the paper file only not the...
Can anyone please post any news about the hearing of 14th -15th if you have any?
And please cut all the crap and nonsense you are writing ,,I stopped to interact so often here when I saw that even the most reasonable members in this thread are dragged over and over to the same pointless issues...
I see -,,,well good luck in Canada,,,I want to leave my country because of violence , pollution and discrimination ,,,,no V8 involved,,,have been waiting for 5 years 3 months ,,,,, ,,,,,,,but I really hope you enjoy your time there.
I would not leave Switzerland at any price man!! it is the most splendid country I ever visited,,,,
Can not understand your joy man,,,,,,I mean if you were in Syria for example,,,,one could have said congratulations!!
I am very glad that the official site of CIC admits the following:
Competing priorities and reduced visa targets. From 2002 to 2008, the minimum visa target for the FSWP decreased from about 116,000 to 67,000 visas. Applications received under the PNP, the Quebec skilled worker program and the...