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  1. an124

    November 2011 applicants , let's connect here

    No, the same IN PROCESS. It has always been like that since i got my application number in PER. Never changed since then. Anton
  2. an124

    November 2011 applicants , let's connect here

    Wow! Your process seems to be on steroids. Anton
  3. an124

    Warsaw Vo Medical completed Dec 2011/Jan/Feb 2012

    Well, i may join you soon. I have received AOR from Warsaw on 28 Feb 2012 and i'm hoping to get my MR soon. Anton
  4. an124

    Can Embassy do what they want?

    Congrats!! It's great that everything turned out to be ok.
  5. an124

    November 2011 applicants , let's connect here

    FSW1 - applicants without a job offer. FSW2 - applicants with a job offer. Excel sheet link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgthpG06V9k3dGE0Mldod0ljWTZjR25HZkpydDZ3QXc&hl=fil#gid=0 Anton
  6. an124

    November 2011 applicants , let's connect here

    Just wait. You will get your AOR sooner or later. Anton
  7. an124

    November 2011 applicants , let's connect here

    Hello, So few posts today. I think here are a lot of people from India on this forum. Just to make you smile, I've been surfing around youtube and have found this hillarious video filmed by Indian truck driver in Mississauga. I'll share it with you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN4BVEbpRoE...
  8. an124

    November 2011 applicants , let's connect here

    Taptatanu, I think your file is already at VO. In fact, in AOR they wrote that my application was received on 16.02.2012, but i received AOR only yesterday. I think that it took them 12 days to get to it and start processing. And so they sent me this e-mail right after they started. You will...
  9. an124

    November 2011 applicants , let's connect here

    Hello Novembrians, i just got my AOR from Warsaw VO!! Yes, it came by e-mail. It states that they received my application on 16-02-2012, so 17 days after PER. I wonder what took them so long (12 days) to write me this letter. Anyway, i'm kinda happy. Hope background check will go smooth and...
  10. an124

    November 2011 applicants , let's connect here

    Man, i'm looking for it like a madman every freaking day! I check my mailbox in the morn and in the evening, and i check my e-mail multiple times during the day. Still nothing, but it's 4 weeks passed since PER. Anton
  11. an124

    November 2011 applicants , let's connect here

    Well I got my PER 0n 30-Jan-12 and still didn't receive AOR. AOR should arrive after 2 to 4 weeks after PER. Our VO are different so it's a subject to change, but earlyer in this forum we have discussed that it may mean that you (and me) will get MR right away without AOR. I hope this helps. Anton
  12. an124

    November 2011 applicants , let's connect here

    what do you mean you don't know what your VO will be? You must have indicated the VO office in the first application form. I have read somewhere, that if you don't, they will get really mad and may return your application. Anton
  13. an124

    November 2011 applicants , let's connect here

    Well, it doesn't make sence. E-mail adress indication is only an option in FSW forms. By the way, you have a fantastic timeline! But, hey! they can't e-mail you Medical Request, can they? I thought its' a stamped document that you have to take in your hand and give to the assigned doctor. Eh...
  14. an124

    November 2011 applicants , let's connect here

    Thanks for your reply! Well i hope i will receive it by e-mail too. Or i will AT LEAST receive an e-mail to notify me that a mail letter was sent. I find regular mail so unreliable and easy to get lost. Anyone else wants to share thoughts about this case? Anton
  15. an124

    November 2011 applicants , let's connect here

    Hello, I have explored the depth of the forum today and found interesting information about my VO office. There are two people who claim that they didn't get AOR and MR by e-mail form VO. Actually, they only did receive it by mail. My point is: hey! i've been so focused on checking my e-mail...
  16. an124

    Visa-office in Warsaw

    Wow, i didn't know that! I thought they do all the correspondence by e-mails. I better start checking my mail box as well then. Didn't they send you an e-mail saying that they have sent you letter by mail? Thanks Anton
  17. an124

    Find a job in Canada

    Gosh. Do people really think that they will get a job in Canada by listing what part of shoes they are able to make and plea to some random person to help them find a job. 'Good be with you' too, but i don't think you'll get any results like that. It reminds me of the way people beg on the...
  18. an124

    Opening a Bank account before PR

    Lucky you, who have access to HSBC in your current country. If i would have an opportunity to open a bank account here and a bank account in the very same bank in Canada, i would do it right away. Then i would just wait till the exchange rate is OK and transfer my money to Canada converting...
  19. an124

    November 2011 applicants , let's connect here

    Hmm, i still don't get it. Police certificates and deliveries are clear. But did you have to pay something extra than that? What is Premium Service? In fact, I've mailed my application to Sydney by regular mail. But it was only because of my inexperience. Yes, it was cheap, but if i knew how...
  20. an124

    November 2011 applicants , let's connect here

    What forms did they ask you to update? Do they just develop new ones and those who used previous forms have to put the same data on new forms? That's kind of pointless. Reminds me of a Head of Dept. where i currently work. =) Ouch, 82GBP, is that for dhl mail? Anton