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  1. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    Thanks asbereth! I think so too. I need to throw a question out there: while I was waiting for the immigration to go through I received an offer for a tenure track job. I accepted and Labour Market Opinion is due to arrive in about a week's time. If I submit my letter of appointment/contract...
  2. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    No, no statements and/or letters from a bank were submitted at the time of my application. My experience, in fact, may be useful for some of those who plan to submit/resubmit the initial application: all I submitted at that time was a ownership title to and a formal appraisal of my real estate...
  3. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    Thanks anjuku! No, I did not - I had a one year limited term teaching experience in Canada and about 8 years of experience from overseas. So, that must have done the trick. :) Hope we'll hear more good news from others soon...
  4. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Just got a request for proof of funds! FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! (please, update my status/info. thank you.) This is good news to all of you March and April applicants. My application was submitted on March 28th, 2012. You...
  5. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    Thanks Websphereguy... Let's keep our fingers crossed! Just had to vent frustration a bit. Good luck to you and all those who have waited patiently...
  6. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaah! This is crazy! No movement whatsoever since my PER (Apr 5, 2012)! Have they stopped processing PhD applicants altogether? All I see is that 3 or 4 early applicants are moving along, everyone else just standing still! UNBEARABLE ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
  7. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    Hi everyone, Some of you may have seen this, but thought it would be good to share this info. There are massive and interesting changes to the FSW program - see details at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2012/2012-08-17.asp . Cheers...
  8. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    Hi there, It is different from province to province, but most of the provinces waive fees for children in K-12 education if at least one parent holds either a Study Permit or a Work Permit.
  9. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    Well, the thing is that they may go by THE letter of law - the only substitute to the proof of funds listed in their instructions is the job offer, PLUS a labour market opinion. Therefore, even though we may be earning more than the required minimum in our respective jobs at our institutions...
  10. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    I think you should fight... I know some PhD programs where seminars are given intensively just for two months per year, yet, students are registered as continuation students for the entire calendar year conducting research supervised by the program faculty. I think what you need to submit to...
  11. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    Hi there... Either way is OK. I sent mine with the application. Or, alternatively, you may wait for the CIC's request for police certificates after they determine your eligibility for PR status. Good luck.
  12. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    It took 12 days in my case. You should see your eCAS any day now...
  13. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    Hi Cutty, Here is verbatum what I was able to fit in the five lines of Schedule 3 under the main duties without need to attach additional sheets (although that is an option too): example 1: Provide consulting services in developing structure, content & policies of new prog's; assist...
  14. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    Yes, it is very important for the reference letters to substantiate what you claim as your job duties. Equally important is to describe your job duties in the "Schedule 3" closely in line with HRSDC description of the NOC your job falls under. Here are couple of examples from my application that...
  15. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    Congratulations! Any change is a welcome sign that someone is actually working on your case. However, I am getting more and more confused with the meaning of the eCas statuses. As you can see here - https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/redir.do?redir=app_perm_wrkr&lang=en&app=ecas - all FSW...
  16. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    Indeed! CrazyLeader's application reached CIO January 21st! His file was reviewed at the end of May - just in 4 months! And he never got a request for 6 month bank activity. I think that is because his previous proof of funds document was still "valid" (i.e. less than 6 month's old). :)
  17. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    Since the "Iranian Hypothesis" :) has been disproved (as there are non-Iranians that have received the similar requests), another hypothesis is in order. Maybe, just maybe, if longer than 6 months have passed since someone's application reached CIC, they need to re-check that we have not spent...
  18. GeoCanadian

    Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status

    :) I see... Well, as long as you don't decide to stay in the U.S. forever, I guess we can forgive you... ;D Good luck with everything...