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Search results

  1. mooer

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    We landed on 1st February. I just rang CIC and was told my card was mailed 2 days ago :-)
  2. mooer

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    For anyone else calling, it is 1,1,4,1 :-) They said our cards are in process but to wait 2 more weeks (March 9th) and call if they have not arrived by then. Hubby goes to the UK for business on the 6th :-( I know getting into the UK with a UK passport won't be a problem, but landing back in...
  3. mooer

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    Are there options to press when you call CIC on 1-888-242-2100?? What do they ask you (UCI no)??
  4. mooer

    Scared of mandatory medical exam

    I did not have to strip to my underwear (I am also female). Because of my age (45) she wanted to give me a breast exam but that was it. She listed to my chest, did blood pressure etc and an eye test but that was it. Even at the chest x-ray you do not have to strip off at all.
  5. mooer

    2013 Tax assessment Canada / UK

    Hi, As far as I understand it, you still need to file a tax return here in Canada if you are classed as "resident" here for tax purposes (number of days in the country etc). You have to report worldwide income and any tax paid. From there you will have to pay any balance of tax here if the...
  6. mooer

    February 2014 Applicants

    Hi, You should post your question under the Express Entry section of the forum. This one is for people that applied last year.
  7. mooer

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    Hi there, 1. No you do not need to make an appointment. 2. We are also in Victoria and we did our landing at Point Roberts (Tsawassen) but friends did it last year after a trip to Port Angeles. 3. We just had our passport and COPR 4. Yes, any time :-)
  8. mooer

    February 2014 Applicants

    Here you go... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgrUB3j2775edENzWDUxRG9pa3RDbTdmRDFtMXl3Znc#gid=8
  9. mooer

    Provide evidence that you intend to live outside Quebec

    They want to know that when you come back to Canada you won't go back to Montreal or anywhere else in Quebec. Where are you intending to live in Canada? Do you have a job offer/apartment lease/mortgage agreement etc? They want to see your ties to another part of Canada other than Quebec.
  10. mooer

    Filing taxes in Canada -> temporary to permanent resident

    It is listed here as the official number: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/cntct/hdsk-nd-eng.html
  11. mooer

    i94 USA Visa Waiver query

    Can you not fill apply for an ESTA?? When we landed last weekend and asked about going into the states, the border officer said anyone who has filled in an ESTA in the last 2 years doesnt need an i94.
  12. mooer

    Bringing a pet dog to Canada - tips

    Hi. We came from the UK with our dog 2 years ago and it was quite easy. We needed an DEFRA export health certificate (ring DEFRA and they will send one to your vets office), he needed to be up to date with his vaccinations and he had a rabies jab. We knew he did not necessarily need the...
  13. mooer

    Why Canada .. Why Not Australia?

    Creepy crawlies in Oz scare the bejeezus outta me!!! :o :o :o
  14. mooer

    February 2014 Applicants

    No problem at all :-) I have updated the spreadsheet (http://goo.gl/L8B8ia) as far as I can see. Can everyone please check to see if it is correct for yourselves and let me know of any missing updates?
  15. mooer

    February 2014 Applicants

    No they didn't.
  16. mooer

    February 2014 Applicants

    Is no-one updating the spreadsheet? It looks quite out of date :-( I'm happy to help if needed!
  17. mooer

    February 2014 Applicants

    We received COPR on 26th Jan and I think there was at least 1 more in the last week. It took close to 3 months between RPRF being paid and receiving COPR (we are visa exempt).
  18. mooer

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    HI! Please add me - landed on Feb 1st at Boundary Bay, Point Roberts, BC. Nothing in Ecas yet although the home address has now been added.
  19. mooer

    February 2014 Applicants

    We landed yesterday at Point Roberts (Boundary Bay), near Tsawassen, BC. All went very smoothly and quickly (not very busy there at 9am on a Sunday morning). Good luck to everyone else left waiting - hope you all get good new soon!
  20. mooer

    Somebody knows CEC GAP REACHED?

    http://www.zemplaw.com/canadian-experience-class-cap-reached/ As of May 1,2014, Citizenship and Immigration announced that an overall cap of 8,000 new Canadian Experience Class applications would be implemented. Please be advised that we have just received confirmation from Citizenship and...