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Search results

  1. tinytortoise

    NAFTA Agreement - American

    Thanks for the extra info OhCanadiana, I was able to put together an email where I outlined the info and attached that pdf doc with everything pertinent highlighted. Crossing my fingers HR accepts! Also, I am so glad you told me about the temp goods importation. I had no idea that it was that...
  2. tinytortoise

    Help with Nafta work permit

    Is there a different application for NAFTA? That webpage doesn't say much about the process.
  3. tinytortoise

    NAFTA Agreement - American

    Hi everyone. I posted this on the temporary worker forum last week but haven't received a response. Perhaps someone on here might know? My fiance is Canadian and I am American. I was just informed about a job opportunity (instructor at university - temporary because it is one term) in which I...
  4. tinytortoise

    common law visa

    Hi Chris, I think the family sponsorship area of the forum could best answer your questions. Good luck!
  5. tinytortoise

    NAFTA Agreement? (American)

    Hi everyone. I usually hang out on the Family Sponsorship board as my fiance is Canadian and I am American. I was just informed about a job opportunity (instructor at university - temporary because it is one term) in which I am going to apply. I researched and found that an instructor will...
  6. tinytortoise

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    This is really great information. Thanks OhCanadiana for putting it together!
  7. tinytortoise


    Thank you! This is very helpful :)
  8. tinytortoise

    Working while visiting husband

    Thanks, this helps immensely. I just hope I can prove that what I do does not take away from Canadians in case it becomes an issue.
  9. tinytortoise

    Scheduled Medical Before Marriage - ok?

    I just schedule my medical for late July, we will be getting married in early August, is this going to be an issue? We are applying under spousal sponsorship. We want to have all the forms complete and records created before the wedding so that we can get everything together in early Sept to...
  10. tinytortoise

    Working while visiting husband

    I'm American and own my own consulting firm, everything I do is online in the US. If I file my application and then visit my husband for 6 months, can I still consult for that 6 months in Canada if I still have a permanent address in the US? I'm not working for Canadian companies, or being paid...
  11. tinytortoise

    Please post your FBI request times.

    This is the first step in my process! Starting it is exciting! I got my prints done today and asked for 2 sets, just in case. Should I only mail one set in, or both? I don't want to get rejected and prolong the process. Thanks
  12. tinytortoise

    NAFTA agreement

    How does the NAFTA agreement work? Do I need to have a job offer to start the process?
  13. tinytortoise

    Does age difference / previous marriages matter?

    Thanks scylla, you've been very helpful here and on my other post :)
  14. tinytortoise

    Does age difference / previous marriages matter?

    My fiancé is 15 years older than me, will this be a red flag? Also I've been married before, he has not (no kids) does that create a red flag? I ask because I see on here where people type their stats and they say "no age difference, no previous marriages".
  15. tinytortoise

    Not Sure What Visa To File Under - Skilled Worker/Business/Family

    No, we don't live together. I am currently living in Texas and he is in Canada. I wouldn't be able to move there without a visa right? I'm not sure how that common law partner program works.
  16. tinytortoise

    Not Sure What Visa To File Under - Skilled Worker/Business/Family

    Hi! I'm an American that would like to move to Canada and I have a few different options for visa/PR, but of course want to pick the best, and fastest way. 1. I hold shares in a Canadian company that I helped found. Currently there is not a full-time position available - we are in start-up...