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  1. brucem

    So easy for Third Worlders? Why?

    Yeah it definetely didnt stop me, I'm getting Timmies withdrawal at the moment. Can't be the greatest job either as I've seen them getting a fair bit of abuse from people.
  2. brucem

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Just click on the link in the web page and it takes you through the steps. http://www.aboutmyvote.co.uk/register_to_vote/british_citizens_living_abroad.aspx
  3. brucem

    pregnant and sponsoring my husband!

    To clarify what Awesomeg said...yes your baby would be a Canadian citizen if you do decide to give bith in the Philippines (as long as you meet the criteria) but you do still need to apply for a certificate of citizenship for him/her which is pretty straightforward. We did the same for our...
  4. brucem

    (Inland) Day of Action! - Sep 24th - Discussion

    Yes but to be fair as Rob has pointed out if you actually read the Inland instructions it also makes it very clear that you can apply using an outland office. If you are going to invest months of your life and a relatively large amount of money for most people, you would presume that most people...
  5. brucem

    (Inland) Day of Action! - Sep 24th - Discussion

    As much as I understand everyones frustration, and I've had my fair share recently from CIC incompetence I really don't think that flooding CIC with calls is a sensible option. Remember these are just people like you and me that are employed to do a job, its really the government that implement...
  6. brucem

    September 2014 OUTLAND Applications

    Re: Canada Post Horror Story What is happening with Canada Post at the moment, I've been reading so many issues about them on this forum recently. Are they just incredibly inept now? I remember when I posted my application from the UK the guy behind the counter rolled his eyes when I said it...
  7. brucem

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Likewise, I did everything upfront including all fees!
  8. brucem

    Self employed language teacher

    Hi, You need to check the CIC website to see what programme you could potentially qualify for, and whether you meet the requirements. Without knowing your background it would be difficult for anyone to offer specific advice. Bruce.
  9. brucem

    So easy for Third Worlders? Why?

    Scylla is right there are a lot of different factors to take into account. Although it does remind me of a time I popped into Tim Hortons in a downtown Toronto location and the worker couldnt speak a word of English so hadnt a clue of what I was asking for. I ended up having to go across the...
  10. brucem


    I'm not sure if there's an Ottawa spreadsheet I expected my application to go to London but went to Ottawa instead so I've not been keeping an eye on this thread maybe someone else would know. I presume you were applying outland? From my knowledge I don't think her loans should have any effect...
  11. brucem

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Oh well thanks for that Griffintown I suppose that's a bit of clarity. My only other theory was that applications that didn't fall under the COPR criteria might be shipped to Miss/Ott. Anyway it's all guess work, we'll all just hang in there together and hope for a speedy process!
  12. brucem

    weak proof of cohabitation for common-law pr?

    Good to hear, as I said I was just curious, I know everyone has their reasons and sometimes you need time to point yourself in the right direction. Best of luck with the application though!
  13. brucem

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Don't worry Sherri, the fastest application to go through recently which Kalexandra posted was through London. It seems just pot luck with who seems to go faster, I think everyone was just guessing why certain applications are staying in Mississauga or going to Ottawa. In a few months time when...
  14. brucem

    Applying for PR while on a temporary work permit (Working hol)

    Ah I see that makes sense thanks David.
  15. brucem

    weak proof of cohabitation for common-law pr?

    Sorry if its a slightly personal question but didnt you get bored if you weren't able to work and were really relying on your boyfriend for all support? Its not a jibe as each to their own but I'm always curious when I hear these overstay stories as it feels like such a vulnerable position to...
  16. brucem

    Applying for PR while on a temporary work permit (Working hol)

    I'm just curious can you apply for a second year on IEC if you are already in Canada, basically extending your first year? Hopefully you can just wondered whether that would cause any problems?
  17. brucem

    Worried about spiteful in laws (immigration concerns)

    Dont worry as Newtone said as long as you havent done anything wrong then you will be fine. You would not be thrown out based on one person calling immigration, plus they would need to evidence that you had broken the law/conditions of visa before taking action against you.
  18. brucem

    September 2014 OUTLAND Applications

    I doubt if it will make any difference, generally those with outdated forms are sent an email and asked to submit the new form. They seem to be speeding up the SA so as long as you have submitted all the correct forms you should hopefully be approved in around 6 weeks right now.
  19. brucem


    Not to put a negative on it but I've read a few instances lately of CIC sending back applications or getting confused if its not clear what application is being applied for. Hopefully you will get someone with a bit of common sense who will realise what category you are applying for. If the...
  20. brucem


    Yes dont worry you're well within time. They received our application on July 11th and we received an email just last week 26th August with SA so you've probably got a few weeks yet. Bruce